
USS Endeavour Sim Rules

All players are expected to follow the Theta Fleet Rules.

Just because the rule isn't here doesn't mean you don't have to follow it. Theta Fleet rules apply here. Also, sim rules are subject to change as needed, so please be sure to check them every so often.

Endeavour Rules:

1) All players must be 15 or older.

2) Story/JP content should be kept to PG-13/TV14 (US standards). No explicit language or situations.

3) I would like 2 posts a month from each player. I do not issue strikes for players who don't meet this level; however, such players are not likely to get promoted or be placed in positions of authority or retain said positions.

4) Post length.

For a solo post I prefer 400 to 500 words. Please make them at least 300 words. This gives you time to develop the log.

Joint posts should be 800 to 1300 words. I prefer at least 600 words.

If a post is more than 1600 words split it into two. I prefer sections of a JP to be between 800 and 1200 words. I don't like reading really long posts.

I reserve the right to pull a post for an edit if it is too short, or split it if it's too long.

5) Please physically log in to the site once a week. Don't rely solely on emails to tell you if you have a tag. (I would prefer department heads to log in a bit more often.) All players are required to log in at a minimum of once every other week and reply to joint post tags. Failure to log in to the site and show signs of activity for six (6) weeks or more will result in a player being removed from the sim.

6) Probably the most important rule: BE NICE. Follow the Golden Rule: Treat people the way you WISH to be treated.

7) HAVE FUN. That's what we're here for. But fun that doesn't hurt someone else, infringe on their rights or make them feel bad.

8) It's in the TF rules, but bears repeating. Don't write for someone else. Don't use their character without their explicit written permission. Don't use their linked NPCs. That's why they're linked.

9) Players are encouraged to have two or three NPCs. There's a lot to do on the Endeavour. I find that if I have a couple NPCs, I can do more and write with more people. And I have more fun.

However, please remember that all NPCs are to be submitted to and added by the command staff. Unauthorized NPCs will be deleted.

10) All PC and NPCs must have complete bios and pictures. They can be short, but they must be complete.

11) Spell check your work. Firefox has an add on that helps a lot. It'll highlight misspelled words as you type. This is for two reasons. 1) It makes it easier to understand what you mean and 2) it makes the sim look better as a whole. People DO read posts before joining a sim and judge the sim based on the quality of the posts. This sim is no different.

12) Editing someone's typos is okay. Changing what they wrote is not. Don't change British spelling to American and vice versa. Both are fine. As is Canadian, Australian and other flavors of English. Ebonics, however, is not okay.

This is an English-speaking sim. Please use proper grammar and spelling. You don't have to be perfect, but you must try.

13) Ideas are always welcome. If you have an idea for a mission, a side story or a twist let me know.

14) Anything not canon or that goes against the general tenets of the sim must be approved by me. Visitors to the ship, mission-specific characters, odd characters, discoveries, etc. must be approved first.

15) Please add your signature to the bottom of any post, or place it in the title or heading. Rank, name and position. This includes NPCs.

16) It's okay to have disagreements in character. Don't take them personally and don't take them out of the sim. Also, please don't bring personal issues into the sim. This is fantasy and it's for fun.

17) Finally, HAVE FUN! That's why we all sim. The Endeavour is meant to be a friendly (albeit warped and slightly insane) place.

* Command Staff reserve the right to make changes to the sim rules at any time. Players are encouraged to check the rules often for changes/updates.

** Command Staff reserve the right to remove players from the sim for any reason so long as the removal doesn't violate Sim Policy or Theta Fleet Regulations.