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Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 11:04pm

Captain Alistar McKeon

Name Alistar Robert McKeon

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 37
Date of Birth August 31
Place of Birth New Orleans, Louisiana

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 160
Hair Color brown
Eye Color hazel
Physical Description Tall human male with a slim muscular build. He keeps his hair trimmed short and a clean shaven appearance. He will go without shaving during crisis situations.


Spouse None
Children None
Father John McKeon (deceased)
Mother Augusta McKeon (deceased)
Brother(s) Ruel McKeon (missing, preseumed dead)
Sister(s) Faith Harrison (married to Starfleet officer John Harrison, assigned to USS Proxima)
August McKeon
Other Family Teresa McKeon (cousin)
Zoe McKeon (Ruel's ex wife)

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is a dedicated and loyal officer, but he openly dislikes politicians and to what he calls 'political officers', those who have had help coming up through the ranks. He is firm in his belief that a member of Starfleet should uphold their oath to Starfleet and the Federation, but will admit that sometimes doing the right thing means not doing the right thing. He is eclectic and follows his own code but also tried his best to be an upstanding officer and stand by his oath as a Starfleet officer.
Strengths & Weaknesses Alistar is a natural at the tactical and helm stations. He is also true to his word and will do anything he can not to break any promise he makes. He is not very political or diplomatic as he will always say what's on his mind and his honest opinion even if he knows it will lead to trouble.
Ambitions To command a Starfleet ship along the frontier borders.
Hobbies & Interests Horse back riding, playing the guitar, listening to music, reading.
Languages Federation Standard, German, Latin, Klingon, Romulan and some Cardassian
Vernacular Quiet voice with a basslike rumble that becomes snapping and harsh when he is angered
Sexual Orientation heterosexual


Personal History Alistar was born in 2345 in New Orleans. The third child to a merchant family, he grew up in the French Quarter and along the docks. His childhood was mostly carefree at first, although his parents placed high standards on him at all times. As soon as he was old enough, Alistar started working on a deep sea fishing ship during summer break in order to gain work experience, although the idea was first suggested by his father. Disaster first struck in 2355 when Alistar's parents were both killed while inspecting a family owned freighter that exploded while in orbit of Earth. His older siblings, Ruel and Faith took over the family business, but Faith soon lost interest in the company and left sole ownership to Ruel. Because no one was able to devote time in raising Alistar, his siblings sent him away to live with Ruel’s ex wife Zoe in Montana. In 2359, Ruel McKeon disappeared along with an entire convoy somewhere near The Borderlands. As Alistar was too young to take ownership and manage the family business, he agreed to name his older cousin Teresa to take care of the company. In 2365, he was introduced to Starfleet when his older sister married a Starfleet officer. After talking to his new brother in law about Starfleet for some time, Alistar decided that he wanted to join Starfleet and he spent his final years in high school working towards being accepted into Starfleet Academy.

Alistar was accepted into Starfleet Academy in 2363 right after he graduated from high school. He applied to flight school but was also enrolled into other department courses. He attended courses for operations, security/tactical and basic science as well as helm and command. Because he excelled as a pilot, he was allowed to drop the majority of his extra courses during his junior and senior year in order to focus on his primary studies. He was offered a slot in the highly famed Red Squad Training Unit, but he turned the offer down due to his desire to work towards starship command. Focusing on a career track in bridge ops and command, Alistar also spent a semester in strategic operations courses, although he barely passed the acceptance test. He graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2367, ranking in the top quarter of his class.

After graduating from Starfleet Academy, Alistar was assigned to the USS Aylwin, an Aegian class starship assigned to a deep space patrol to a number of isolated Federation outposts and member worlds. Assigned as a helm officer, Alistar quickly proved himself as a capable officer and pilot. He was given charge of a number of away missions that were all successful and was even assigned to assist the ops department. In early 2369, while on a routine diplomatic mission, the commanding officer and several key officers were taken prisoner when a political faction tried to stage a coup and take over the Federation colony world Vagra. Already well known for his piloting skills and the fact that he enjoyed dangerous and risky piloting missions, Alistar was selected to fly a specially modified shuttle through the planetary defenses and beam the diplomatic team out. The mission was in part a success, as Alistar managed to rescue the commanding officer and two others, but he was forced to break the mission short when a direct hit destroyed the shuttle transporter systems. Even though he was told to see the outcome of the mission as a success, Alistar refused and for a time blamed himself for not being able to save the entire team.

In mid 2370, the Aylwin encountered a Borg cube near Starbase 152. There were very few starships in the region, so the Aylwin withdrew to SB 152 to report the presence of the cube and gather a force capable of engaging the cube. A week later, the Aylwin led a force of 21 ships against the Borg cube as it began assimilating the inhabitants of the planet Canobus. The majority of the task force were older ships, mostly New Orleans, Excelsior, or Miranda class ships, however a number of newer ships such as a few Saber and Defiants, were also present, a fact that allowed the task force to eventually defeat the cube, though at great cost. The majority of the population of Canobus was wiped out, and the Aylwin herself suffered heavy casualties. Alistar was forced to take over both helm and operations after a Borg assimilation squad beamed aboard and inflicted heavy losses to the Aylwin crew. The commanding officer allowed Alistar to oversee running both departments until the Aylwin could return to base. After defeating the cube, the Aylwin was ordered to return to Utopia Planitia for major repairs, as SB 152 lacked the facilities to repair the ship. By the end of 2371, the Aylwin arrived at Mars for repairs and an overhaul. As repairs to the aging ship would take an exceptionally long time, Along with a number of other officers and crew, Alistar was transferred.

With a promotion and a successful extended tour in deep space under his belt, Alistar was transferred to the Romulan Neutral Zone and assigned to the Nebula class ship USS Avalon in 2371. He disliked the assignment as he and his department head immediately disliked each other. Over the next six months, Alistar was brought up on charges several times for his attitude towards his superior officer and at one point was sentenced to one week in the brig after he refused to carry out an order given by his department head. The Avalon commanding officer finally stepped in and signed a transfer order that reassigned Alistar to another ship. Since he was required to spend a total of ten months along the Neutral Zone, Alistar was transferred to the USS Relentless, an Intrepid class ship that patrolled the same Neutral Zone Sector as the Avalon. Unhappy with how his tour of duty to the Romulan Neutral Zone turned out to be, Alistar requested a transfer to a different region at the end of his required tour. The commanding officer of the Relentless agreed that a different region would suit Alistar better and signed a transfer request and managed to grant him a promotion to full Lt, despite the disciplinary actions taken against him on the Avalon.

Before Alistar could finalize his transfer, the Dominion War broke out in 2373. As an urgent need of personnel was needed along the warfront, Alistar was assigned to one of the new Defiant class starships, the USS Fearless. Assigned as chief helm and second officer, he quickly fell in love with the assignment, mostly because the small crew of the Fearless quickly came together to form an outstanding crew. The Fearless was assigned to combat operations and patrol missions along the former DMZ, which had quickly become an ever shifting battlefield. However, as Starfleet began to take serious losses throughout late 2373 and early 2374, the Fearless crew began to feel the strain. In early 2374 the Fearless took part in the failed Battle for Betazed and was one of the few ships to escape after the withdraw order was given. Instead of retreating to either SB 375 or SB G6, the Fearless was forced to withdraw to SB 47. Barely a week after the Fearless arrived, a Cardassian/Dominion fleet attacked SB 47 and forced the Starfleet forces there to withdraw. With few choices left, the Fearless crew fled to SB 129. Working quickly, the crew of the Fearless worked to repair their ship, but grim news awaited them. The Fearless, like so many other ships that had retreated to SB 129, had taken too much damage, and SB 129 didn't have the materials to fully repair all of the ships. With a tough choice before them, the crew elected to scuttle the Fearless on a nearby planetoid along with a number of other ships. The remaining crew transferred to the Steamrunner class ship USS Kodiak along with the crews from two other ships. After a brief week long warm up cruise designed to give the new crew time to adjust to their new, the Kodiak launched from SB 129 with the desire to take the fight to the enemy. The Kodiak engaged a number of Jem'Hadar ships at the Argus Array, an action that was successful in preventing the Dominion access to the facility. In order to ensure the Argus Array didn't fall to the enemy, the Kodiak destroyed it before moving on. The Kodiak attempted to take part in the 2nd Battle for Betazed but was forced to abort when a Cardassian patrol fleet intercepted her. Not wanting to lead the Cardassians to SB 129, the Kodiak fled instead to the Hugora Nebula. After nearly two weeks, the Cardassians gave up the chase. The Kodiak used the nebula to cross the DMZ and attack the Cardassian Union Outpost 47, an action that boosted the crew's morale and temporarily disable the Cardassian/Dominion supply lines in the area for several weeks. Throughout the remainder of the Dominion War, the Kodiak engaged in guerrilla warfare against the Cardassian/Dominion forces.

With the end of the Dominion War in 2375, Alistar was promoted to LtCmdr and named first officer on the Kodiak. The Kodiak spent the remainder of 2375 and 2376 conducting patrols of the reestablished DMZ and conducting salvage operations. At the end of the tour, Alistar was offered a promotion and transfer to another ship, but he turned the offer down after stating that he wanted to remain on the Kodiak for the time being. From 2376 to 2378, the Kodiak conducted patrol missions along the Federation borders and throughout parts of the Federation. In 2378, Alistar was offered command of the Kodiak, which he turned down. The Kodiak was assigned to escort the final convoy of Federation ships leaving Cardassian space after the newly elected government ordered the Federation to withdraw its forces in 2379. Later that year, the Kodiak was conducting a long range sensor sweep of the Alteran Expanse when the Reman uprising on Romulas occurred. Starfleet ordered the Kodiak to report to station along the Romulan Neutral Zone, but the ship suffered an engineering accident and arrived on station five days late, a day after Shinzon was defeated. With the Kodiak in need of a major overhaul, Starfleet ordered the ship to Utopia Planitia.

While the Kodiak was undergoing a full overhaul, Alistar took the opportunity to discuss moving his career forward with his commanding officer. His captain agreed to support him in getting his own command, so Alistar formally requested a command. After a meeting with the Admiralty, Alistar was promoted to full commander and assigned as commanding officer to the Intrepid class starship USS Endeavour in 2380. After a successful year and a host of equally successful missions, Alistar was promoted to captain. The Endeavour encountered a spacial anomaly in 2381 which resulted in the destruction of the Endeavour, with nearly half of the crew dead or missing. Nearly a year later, Alistar and his surviving crew managed to return to the Federation. After a long exhaustive investigation, Alistar and his crew were assigned to the newly launched USS Endeavour, NCC-91805.

Starfleet Records

Education & Qualifications Standard High School Diploma
Starfleet Academy Officer Commission
- Basic Administration
- Basic Federation Law
- Federation History
- Language Studies: Federation Standard
- Language Studies: Klingon
- Language Studies: Romulan
- Starfleet Protocol and Regulation
- Basic and Advanced Helm Training
- Basic Security/Small Arms Training
- Basic and Advanced Tactical Training
- Basic and Intermediate Starship Operations Training
- Basic and Intermediate Science Training
- Basic Astronomy Training
- Basic Medical/First Aid Training
- Strategic Operations Training
- Starfleet Survival Training
- Unarmed Combat/Martial Arts Training
- Basic and Intermediate Starship Systems
- Advanced Computer Operation
- Senior Officer Training
- Starship Command Training
Security Clearance ----
Duty Shift Alpha
Commendations & Awards

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Quarters 04-1001
Service Record 2363-2367: Starfleet Academy
2367-2371: USS Aylwin
2371-2371: USS Avalon
2371-2373: USS Relentless
2373-2374: USS Fearless
2374-2380: USS Kodiak
2380-PRES: USS Endeavour

Details of the Endeavour Incident in 2381 which resulted in the destruction of the Intrepid class Endeavour are classified.