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Sun Mar 8th, 2020 @ 11:55pm

Lieutenant Kev Walker

Name Kev Walker

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 28
Date of Birth March 2352
Place of Birth Erie, Pennsylvania

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 175
Hair Color brown
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Kev has a stocky build due to his years playing sports and being in the gym, although he's starting to slim up a little. He keeps his hair short and somewhat styled within Starfleet regulations and usually has a slight beard that he keeps trimmed fairly short. He likes to wear his uniform, even when off duty unless there's a special off duty event or shore leave.


Father Richard Walker
Mother Kathryn Walker

Personality & Traits

General Overview A former football player, Kev actually doesn't really like sports. He spent years playing sports and working out in the gym because his parents felt it would help him get in and stay in shape. He still goes to the gym, just not that much. He is pretty relaxed and laid back and tries to treat other officers and crew in a friendly manner although he does have an odd sense of humor. He maintains a proper appearance required by Starfleet.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

easy going and relaxed
tries to be easy to get along with
extremely knowledgeable in engineering and operations related systems


prefers to do things by the book but also will and do what needs to be done even if it means not going by the book
prefers to take his time on his work and doesn't like to be rushed constantly


Kev has a strange sense of humor that can sometimes be mistaken by other people. Those who have worked with him for a while eventually learn this
Ambitions Kev hopes to one day be a part of a major engineering breakthrough, such as building a working transwarp drive.
Hobbies & Interests Kev likes to tinker and play around with anything related to engineering or operations. If it involves putting something together with his hands, he'll most likely enjoy it. In his off time, he relaxes by building small, complex models.
Languages Standard, Braille, Vulcan


Personal History 2352- born in Erie, Pennsylvania
2364- family moved to Miami, Florida
2367- forced to start playing football by his parents
2370- graduated from high school, enrolled in Technical College
2374- graduated from Tech with a double BS in Starship Engineering and Starship Operations Systems Management, applied and accepted into Starfleet Academy
2378- graduated from Starfleet Academy, majored in Engineering and Operations, Assigned to USS Pegasus
2380- transferred and assigned to USS Endeavour

Starfleet Records

Duty Shift Alpha
Service Record 2374 accepted into Starfleet Academy
2378- assigned to USS Pegasus
2380- transferred to USS Endeavour