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Sat Dec 19th, 2015 @ 4:54pm

Ensign Sizb

Name Sizb

Position Security Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Gorn
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 6"
Weight 125 kg
Hair Color None (no hair)
Eye Color Silver (and compound)
Physical Description Sizb is a bit of a runt by Gorn standards, standing a couple of heads shorter than even a "short" Gorn, and weighing about half of what's considered normal for his race. For a Gorn, he's extremely short but wiry.


Spouse None
Children None
Father B'rotrurz of House A'kin
Mother S'zarkara
Brother(s) K'azp (present head of House A'kin)
Sister(s) TBD
Other Family TBD

Personality & Traits

General Overview His short stature and lack of physical strength (by Gorn standards) meant that Sizb wasn't seriously considered for military service. For a male, in the ultra-conservative Gorn society of S'sgaron, the Gorn homeworld, this meant that you really weren't much. As a result, Sizb was largely ignored by his parents and pretty much at the bottom of the nestmate pecking order, on a dead-end track to a low-ranking position or nowhere.

This might have been a mistake--for them, anyway. Sizb developed a fascination with certain aspects of offworld culture (this was frowned upon, but largely ignored) that led him to understand and appreciate "concealment and deception" in a way that few other Gorn did....starting with the work of various stage magicians, and ending with the practical jokes, stage makeup, special effects, and the horror films and literature of a dozen different races.

Specifically, Sizb became a prankster, a joker, and a lover of fine horror cinema. Especially Terran--Terrans had apparently elevated a love of frightening themselves and each other to the level of high art (though the Andorians, and--oddly--Vulcans--come close). One of the reasons he serves in Starfleet today has to do with a brilliantly-executed series of practical jokes that effectively ended in his exile in all-but-name from the Homeworld...a fact in which he now takes a peculiar sort of pride, since he's convinced his peoples' ancient, virtually changeless culture is way past due for a cosmic-level shaking up (which is desperately needs).

Sizb greatly enjoys playing practical jokes on his crewmates in his spare time (the more elaborate the better, many inspired by his encyclopedic knowledge of classic horror films), collecting classic horror and sci-fi, and videos (from pretty much every culture where that sort of foolishness is tolerated), and generally being a gadfly to people he regards as too serious, straightjacketed and solemn.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: security, hand to hand combat, and martial arts that take advantage of speed, deception and being smaller than your opponent.

Weaknesses: though stronger than most humans, he is not as strong as a Gorn of normal stature, or even a Vulcan or Andorian. He is insatiably curious, and that curiosity has gotten him into trouble on certain occasions.
Ambitions TBD
Hobbies & Interests Stage magic, modern and classic horror film and literature, stage makeup effects, movie effects, practical joking.
Languages Gorn, Federation Standard, Andorian.


Personal History TBD

Starfleet Records

Service Record TBD