
  • 24 Mission Posts

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Fri May 15th, 2015 @ 12:29am

Captain Innovindil Valenar

Name Innovindil Valenar

Position Civilian

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 135
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green


Spouse None
Children Elanawen Valenar
Father Harlorn Valenar
Mother Gathica Valenar
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Regaria Valenar, Zia`tho Valenar
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Innovindil is an aggressively determined individual who hates to back down from any challenge. She values honor and friendship, even though she often seems to be aloof and distant from those around her.
Strengths & Weaknesses Innovindil has an extremely strong will, but she is also stubborn and will not easily back away from any challenge presented to her. She is also a talented pilot and tactician, however when presented with large scale scenarios she tends to be overly cautious until she’s pushed into a corner.
Ambitions Having achieved a command position on a Starfleet explorer ship, Innovindil has no further ambitions. She would like to someday retire, but she hopes that her retirement is far in the future.
Hobbies & Interests Innovindil has a love for martial arts, both unarmed and with weapons, as well as dancing, history, archaeology, and mythology. She has an interest in stellar cartography and planetary science and a passing interest in strategy type games, such as chess.
Languages Federation Standard, Latin, Japanese, Betazoid, Romulan, can speak Arabic and understand some Caitian and Bajoran. She is also familiar with a number of ancient Earth languages.


Personal History Coming soon.

Starfleet Records