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Thu Nov 19th, 2015 @ 4:21am

Lieutenant JG Daniel Holland

Name Daniel Harper Holland

Position Chief Helm Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft 1 in
Weight 182 pounds
Hair Color Light Brown/Dark Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description With what he defines as 'hair that can't decide if it's light brown or dark blonde', Holland tends to keep his hair short and more often than not has somewhat scruffy stubble that he removes for special occasions; He is muscular and in very good condition and keep himself that way through regular exercise.


Father Matthew Holland(Civilian pilot)
Mother Denise Holland(Civilian Engineer)
Sister(s) Alicia Holland

Personality & Traits

General Overview Holland is professional and disciplined on duty and tends to let that slide just a bit when off duty. He is polite in his interactions with people and affectionate with those he calls friends. He does not posses that typical 'pilot swagger', but rather has a quiet confidence borne of skill and experience.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Skilled pilot
+ Creative and adaptable in tough situations
+ Disciplined and tenacious on duty
- Doesn't open up to people easily
- Avoids inter-personal conflict rather than resolve it
- Can't sing to save his life
Ambitions Wanting to be a pilot was probably his earliest desire and having achieved it he wants to do it as long as possible
Hobbies & Interests - Building model planes from the 21st century and before
- Painting landscapes
- Holo-novels
Languages Federation Standard


Personal History Born on board a civilian cargo liner owned and operated by his parents, Daniel Harper Holland had always wanted to be a pilot. He started off flying shuttle runs and then even taking the helm of his family's cargo liner. He wanted more for himself than piloting a civilian ship though and joined Starfleet at the age of 20.

He graduated from the Academy and then joined his first ship, the USS Bengal, as a Helmsman and shuttle pilot. He excelled at this and served for a year before earning promotion to Helm Officer and a transfer to the USS Diligent. At the end of that tour of duty he was redeployed back to the USS Bengal as a Helm Officer, but also served a short stint as the Bengal's senior Helm Officer.

Recently deployed on board the USS Endeavour, he is looking forward to the permanent role of Chief Helm Officer and extra responsibility, having enjoyed the experience of leading a department on the Bengal.

Starfleet Records

Service Record Starfleet Academy - 4 years
USS Bengal - Back Helmsman and Shuttle Pilot - 1 years
USS Diligent - Helm Officer - 1 years
USS Bengal - Helm Officer - 2 years (Acting Chief Helm Officer for 1 year)
USS Endeavour - Chief Helm Officer - Current