
  • 8 Mission Posts

Ensign Corrigan Landon

Name Corrigan Matthias Landon

Position Medical Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4
Weight 198
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Corrigan Landon has been referred to, by both genders, as good-looking, pretty, handsome, gorgeous, and so on and so forth. He will fully admit that he has modelesque good looks, but yet he doesn’t really care. To him, beauty comes from within; to him he just shrugs off comments that are geared toward his looks. He stands much taller than the average human male, standing at six feet four inches tall, and weights in just a smidge under two hundred pounds. He has not only a long body, but a lean one. He is a strong proponent of physical fitness, and believes that a good balance of nutrition, exercise is key to a healthy, and a long life.

He would say he isn’t vain, but Corrigan does like to present a good image. His hair is dark brown, in which he keeps neatly trimmed. He had been known to go to the barber once a week to be sure the length and style are kept perfect. He does like to use organic styling product to keep his hair (which he considers unruly) in check. His skin is clear, he is very adamant about skin care as well. He uses organic products to not only keep his skin clear, but moisturized as well. He does tend to keep a short beard that is just a tad bit longer than a five o’clock shadow. To him it gives him distinction, a more rugged look. Because even though he is almost forty years old, he still has a baby face. Though his eyes are listed officially as blue, the color is much richer then the primary color. He gets a lot of comments on his eyes, and he truly does consider them his best feature – next to his smile of course.

Corrigan also sports several tattoos, nothing extravagant, but he does have them. They are mostly on his upper arms, and fore arms. A lot of people are surprised that he has them, considering how he is about skin care, but he couldn’t help but get one. One tattoo turned into a second one, then another, then another. Currently he has five, and does want to get more. All of his tattoos are covered when in uniform.

His clothing style would be considered comfortable, but fashionable. Corrigan is very meticulous about how he looks in clothing. Each article of clothing, including his uniform, must fit his lean form perfectly. He will fully admit that he has way too many clothes, but he doesn’t see that as a bad thing. His uniform is always in pristine condition, as is his lab coat that he wears while on duty. A lot of times, due to his profession, he will opt for the vest variant of the uniform, as opposed to the uniform jacket.

Okay, so he is a tiny bit vain, but he doesn’t see that as a bad thing. It just means he is very conscientious of how he looks, and how he is viewed. It isn’t lost on him that most people judge him on his looks first, but it’s his hope that they will look beyond his looks and see what a smart, witty, and good guy that he truly is.


Father Lt. Colonel Matthias Landon (KIA)
Mother Mary-Ann Landon, PhD

Personality & Traits

General Overview In simplest terms, Corrigan is a friendly, out-going guy. He has excellent bedside manner, and he would literally give the shirt off his back if it meant someone else stayed warm. He is a very compassionate man, who would do anything to help those in need. The one thing any of his friends would say is that he is not a fake. He is a genuine individual, even if that means hearing something you might not want to hear. He isn’t one to beat around the bush; however, as a physician he knows how to soften the blow so to speak. He isn’t above holding a patient’s hand, or even holding a sick child. He would gladly put himself in danger – and give his life – if it meant saving others.

However, not everything is sunshine and lollipops in Corrigan’s world. He deals with demons, at times dark ones. This is a side of his personality that he keeps well hidden, but it’s present. To be clear, he isn’t some psycho, or sociopath, but he does deal with depression, loneliness, and self-worth issues. There are plenty of times he will question his place in the universe, whether he is good enough, and a lot of his relationships (both romantic and friendship) have failed because of this.

This stems from a childhood that wasn’t perfect. His mother was his strongest advocate, always cheering him on, and defending him. His father, on the other hand, was much harder on him, and far harsher. Corrigan was never good enough for his father. His father constantly belittled him, in private, and in public. Even when he made the announcement that he was going to join Starfleet, it wasn’t good enough because it wasn’t the Marine Corp. Corrigan is athletic now, that wasn’t always the case. His father just pushed, and pushed, and pushed, until Corrigan couldn’t take it anymore. After he left for the Academy, he didn’t speak to his father after that. He didn’t even attend the man’s funeral.

With being an outgoing person, Corrigan does make friends quite easily. He has a lot of varied interests, and can easily fit into any social group. He has some lifelong friends that he stays in contact with, and gets together with, but he enjoys meeting new people as well. Romantic relationships have always been a bit trickier for him. He has had a couple of long-term relationships in his time, but nothing has ever led to marriage. A lot of times, he has sabotaged the relationship without even realizing that he did it. He is open to a romantic relationship with both men, and women.

Corrigan is a Christian. He knows that a lot of people would find this odd, but he doesn’t think so. It wasn’t something he grew up with; it was something he picked up later in life. Honestly, it was something that has given him strength in the hardest, and darkest of times. Spirituality is quite important to him, and he truly subscribes to the mind, body, and spirt connection. However, he doesn’t force it on anyone, nor does he talk about it much. It is something that he just holds close to his heart. He knows there are those who may judge him, or scoff at the notion, but he doesn’t care. To him, that is more about their issues, then his.

Overall, Corrigan is a man has a lot of facets to his personality, and is genuinely a good guy.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
A lot of Corrigan’s strengths lie in his profession. He truly is a good doctor, his compassion is limitless. His main goal is to help all those who need help, there is no leaving anyone behind in his book. He is selfless, thoughtful, and though he can be blunt, he will never step over the line. He has toed that line, but never crossed it. He is always very friendly, and can typically be seen with a smile. He just wants to make the galaxy a better place. Though that is something most people are pessimistic and cynical about, he doesn’t feel that way. He knows it may not be something he sees in his lifetime, but he is optimistic that one day, there will be full peace and cooperation throughout the Milky Way.

Corrigan is truly his own worst enemy. He himself is his biggest weakness at times. His inner demons can be quite loud, at times all consuming. He is not too proud to seek counseling, and in fact is more than happy to see a counselor when it is needed. He certainly does believe that it’s important to be able to be honest and open. It’s never a good thing to keep it bottled up. He once used to self-harm, and he has fear that this might become a habit again. Every day he fights it. However, with all that said, he will tell anyone that he believes the weaknesses that he possesses make him a stronger person. He feels if he can overcome his inner demons, he can overcome just about anything.
Ambitions It’s a hard call to say where Corrigan stands on ambition. There was probably a time that he was ambitious, but he was young, and hungry for being the best. He wanted the accolades; he wanted to prove he made the right decision. Most of all, he wanted to prove his father wrong. However, as he has moved forward in his career, he has found that the ambition has dwindled. He will always want to know more, his curiosity will all be there, but he doesn’t care if he makes rank anymore. He is perfectly content with where he is at in life; the important thing for him is that he still gets to help others. His ambition now is all about the person who needs his help, and hoping he can help them.
Hobbies & Interests Corrigan would say that his hobbies and interests vary. He is a man who likes to try anything once, and that he doesn’t want to limit himself. Though not a big fan of sports, over the years he has garnered an interest in ice hockey. He couldn’t really name players, or stats, but he does enjoy watching a game on the holodeck. As a child, books were his escape; they allowed his imagination run wild without getting in trouble for it. This has carried over into adulthood, and he will always choose a good book over the holodeck any day.

He also has a keen interest in languages (this stemmed from dating a language expert). Though he isn’t really good with languages, he does like to learn about the history of the language. To him, it is all very fascinating. He had just wished he had more talent in that area of interest. He is truly a child of the twenty-fourth century in that he relies heavily on a UT.

Another interest, and this is more of a recent one, is cooking. It was something he found he was quite a natural at. Though he believes in a nutritious and balanced diet, he does love food and flavor. Having started to cook, and using fresh ingredients, it’s been hard for him to go back to replicated food.

In general though, it truly is a free for all when it comes to interests. From orbital skydiving, to scuba diving, Corrigan will probably try it.
Languages Federation Standard


Personal History Date of Birth: January 20th, 2341
Place of Birth: Earth – Rapid City, South Dakota

There is truly nothing anything Corrigan Landon could say about his childhood that would either come out snarky, sarcastic, or boring. His mother was glad to have had a child; his father had been suspicious of him from the start. There had been more than one occasion that his father had stated that Corrigan was unwanted. Of course his mother would laugh it off, as if it was some sort of joke. His childhood wasn’t by far the worst, but it wasn’t that great either.

School was his reprieve from his rather dim home life. He excelled in academics, but not so much anywhere else. His father was disappointed in this; he wanted a son who would become captain of every team that was offered. It just simply did not happen. It was in school that he found his love of the biological sciences. It was something he excelled at, it came easy to him, and he was fascinated by it. For a long time he wanted to go into the biological sciences, but that transformed into wanting to pursue a career in medicine.

Once in high school, Corrigan’s father’s verbal torment increased. He became depressed, and in a dark mood constantly. He almost felt Vulcan-like as his emotions slowly began to shut down. He found ways to feel something, and a lot of times that was inflicting some type of harm on himself. He had some close calls, and had to be brought in to the Emergency Room on more than one occasion. One would think his father would feel more sympathetic at that point, but it was the exact opposite. To the elder Landon, his son was weak.

As soon as he was eligible, Corrigan applied for and was accepted into the Academy. He left home, and never looked back. He knew he could have become a doctor without the help of Stafleet, but there was the appeal to go off-world. He wanted to explore, and to learn. Though, his hidden agenda was to get as far away from his father as possible. However, when he twenty years old his father was killed on a mission. He didn’t mourn the man, didn’t even blink an eye. The man got a full military funeral, and Corrigan –despite his mother’s protests, and begging – decided not to attend. To this day, he does not regret that decision.

Once he graduated from the Academy, he went right into medical school. He looks back on his time in med school with fondness. He had a lot of drive and determination back then, and with that came ambition and ego. With his father dead and gone, Corrigan felt like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. He finally felt… free. Though he didn’t graduate at the time of his class, he did graduate in the top ten percent. He was pretty pleased with himself, and his mother couldn’t have been more proud. There was a small waiting period after, and about two weeks after graduation, he was assigned to the USS Nimitz.

Starfleet Records

Service Record Starfleet Academy – Four year officer based program. Corrigan was entered into the pre-med/biological science track. Upon graduation from the Academy, he was commissioned as an ensign, and gained entrance into medical school.

Starfleet Medical – Four year professional program offered to any graduate of the Academy that either was in a pre-med, nursing, or biological sciences track. Upon completion of the four years, and boards, Corrigan was awarded his Doctorate of Medicine (M.D.) and certified to practice medicine. Due to being in four years of medical school, doctors are awarded a promotion to lieutenant junior grade.

USS Nimitz – The USS Nimitz was Corrigan’s first assignment. He was glad to get the Nebula-class vessel as his first assignment. It was roomy, and there was a full medical staff. However, there was no guarantee he would stay there after his one year internship was complete. He wasn’t the only intern on board, so basically he had to compete for a spot on the medical staff. At the end of the first year, he and one other were chosen to stay on as junior medical officers. He stayed for a total of three years onboard the Nimitz, and will always be grateful that it was his first assignment.

USS Forester – The USS Forester was Corrigan’s second assignment. The Nova-class vessel was small, or homey as some referred to it as. It was small. Small. There was really no other words for it. Though, he was always one to look on the bright side. With the ship being small, he certainly made friends easier. He also got to know everyone on board. He was only one of three doctors on board. Since he wasn’t the CMO, or the ACMO, it left him being just the medical officer. The medical officer assigned to Gamma Shift. If anything, it was quiet. About half way through his time on the Forester, he was promoted to ACMO. He already had two full pips on his collar, so was quite happy for the promotion in position. Though his time on the Forester was fine, he was glad that after four years he was able to move on. He served on the Forester for just a little over four years.

USS Agamemnon – This was his longest assignment to date. He had the good fortune that he went from a Nova-class vessel, to a Sovereign-class vessel. Though he previously had seen their fair share of hardship, the Agamemnon saw a lot more. There were battles, first contact situations that went horribly wrong, planetary disasters, and so on and so on. The transfer from Forester to Agamemnon saw him pretty much starting all over position wise. But that was okay, because the last two years of his tenure, he was the Chief Medical Officer. Overall, he enjoyed his time on Agamemnon. He learned a lot, experienced a lot, and above all he felt it made him a better officer, a better doctor, and a better person.

USS Endeavour – After nearly ten years, Corrigan found himself being transferred to yet another starship. At first, he was not keen on this at all; he had his life on the Agamemnon. He wasn’t so quick to change or give that up. Though he wasn’t truly given a choice in the transfer, he took it head on and chose to be optimistic about as opposed to being cynical and resentful.

He currently resides on the USS Endeavour as the Chief Medical Officer.