
  • 7 Mission Posts

Ensign Natsume Ayuhara

Name Natsume Midori Ayuhara

Position Security Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'1
Weight 150
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Natsume is a woman of lineage from Asian countries, in particularly Japan and South Korea. This is notarized by her pale skin complexion, straight brown hair and almond shaped eyes; which possess the deepest of brown irises that seem to go on forever. Natsume is much shorter than the average human female, barely clearing one and a half meters. However, what she lacks in height she makes up for in size. She has a stocky, thickset body-type which amounts to large strong arms and rotund powerful legs. Natsume began her martial arts training at age 3; with heavy emphasis on Judo and wrestling and it shows.

She has three tattoos. The first is the kanji of her family name etched into her left upper arm. The second is a detailed tattoo of the sun encircling her belly button. The third is the kanji for “green” in the middle of her lower back.

While on duty, Natsume will usually style her hair into a single pony-tail, dual pony-tails or a crisp bun. She also favors the skirt variant of the standard duty uniform.


Father Daigo
Mother Ayumi
Brother(s) Kuro, Shiro, Daime
Sister(s) Sasami, Megumi
Other Family Hiro (Grandfather)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Natsume is an officer that anyone would want on their team. She is very serious about her duties and responsibilities as a Starfleet officer. Her entire immediate family is involved in Starfleet in some way and it shows in her. Natsume is all about honor and respect. She is very kind but can flip a switch and become the polar opposite when required. She can be loyal to a fault and will always fight the good fight.
Strengths & Weaknesses Like her immediate family, Natsume is a very good martial artist; specifically at Judo. She was good enough to the make the Japanese Olympic Judo team in 2374 and win a gold medal in the 63kg to 70 kg weight class. She has become a skilled marksman and has trained with melee weapons as well.

She employs a “never give up” mentality that can sometimes translate into “not knowing when to quit while one is ahead.” This weakness leads her to bite off more than she can chew and she usually pays dearly for it. Whilst she packs a serious “punch,” be it a literal reverse punch, perfectly placed shot or a hip throw, Natsume is small. It is something that she tends to forget sometimes. Natsume is fresh from the Academy
Ambitions Natsume wants to command an Akira-class starship one day. Having already wrestled a Vulcan, an Andorian and a Tellarite, Natsume would like to face a Klingon, a Romulan and idiotically, a Jem’Hadar.
Hobbies & Interests Martial arts has always been a part of her life and she loves it dearly. When she’s not training, she enjoys many things from the 20th and 21st century. For reading, Natsume specifically likes 21st century space opera novels such as Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. She also enjoys watching a television series called Super Sentai as well as several video games from that time period. Natsume likes to write poetry, swim and cook and has been known to play her fair share of practical jokes.
Languages Federation Standard, Japanese, Korean


Personal History Natsume Midori is the third of six children born to parents Daigo and Ayumi of the Ayuhara clan. From a very young age, she learned that the family was all about honor and respect. No one was above the family and never giving up was the norm. Her parents were strict and firm yet just. She was raised with her siblings in the rural parts of Japan; specifically in the town of Takaharu of the Miyazaki Prefecture. Judo was the way of life in the Ayuhara family. It was a martial art that taught the goal of throwing, taking down, immobilizing, pinning or submitting an opponent with a lock or choke. All six children trained together under the instruction of their grandfather. Natsume was the smallest and learned early on that she would need to develop her body to be able to compete with her bigger siblings and other students.

When Natsume grew older, she was introduced to the notion of the United Federation of Planets and learned that both of her parents were tactical officers in Starfleet. Like the rest of her siblings, Natusme grew very interested in following in their footsteps and made strides to do her best at her schoolwork to one day be honored with contenting for a chance to attend the prestigious Starfleet Academy. Her life was simple, Judo in the morning, school, homework, Judo in the evening, dinner, family time, sleep, repeat. Natsume kept a picture of her mother and father in front of each of their assigned starships as motivation.

Her high school grades were very good; probably good enough to enter Starfleet. However, due to winning the regional and national Judo tournaments in her weight class, she was offered a chance to compete for her country in the 2374 Olympics. Her parents forbade her from entering Starfleet until the Dominion War had come to an end. Natsume was infuriated but obeyed her parent’s wishes and decided to join the Judo team and earned herself a gold medal at the competition.

With the war still raging, Natsume continued honing her martial arts skills and entered the world of mixed martial arts. She maintained an undefeated record over the next two years; winning all six of her fights.

Once the war had ended, Natsume immediately applied to the Starfleet Academy and passed the entrance exam. She spent four years in the Academy and decided on a security/tactical major with a science minor. Natusme did join the Academy wrestling team and helped them place third at the UFP tournament. She had the honor of competing with new species and even though she was handed her first loss in her competitive career versus a Vulcan woman, she managed to win against an Andorian and a Tellarite female.

In 2380, Natsume graduated a commissioned officer with the rank of Ensign and was assigned to the Intrepid-class Endeavor as a Security/Tactical Officer, where she hoped to do her family name proud

Starfleet Records

Service Record 2376 - 2380: Starfleet Academy - Security/Tactical Cadet

2380 - Pres: U.S.S. Endeavor - Security/Tactical Officer