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Thu Aug 24th, 2017 @ 8:49pm

Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra

Name Fe'cia Niatra

Position Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Caitian
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 130
Hair Color Mostly brown fur with areas of black and light brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Short, petite, and attractive for a Caitian, Fe'cia is extremely quiet and is considered to be a lone wolf type. She has a mane of hair similar to human hair, which she wears in a style similar to human females. She has also been known to style it from time to time.


Father Tir'Keleth
Mother M'Rolla
Brother(s) V'Tig
Sister(s) R'Mowla, M'Arwli

Personality & Traits

General Overview Short, petite, and attractive for a Caitian, Fe'cia is extremely quiet and is considered to be a lone wolf type. She prefers to be left alone except for the rare occasions when she spends time with her friends. She is a workaholic and often has to be reminded that her shift has ended.
Strengths & Weaknesses A workaholic, Fe'cia will often lose track of time and focus entirely on her work. She doesn't like to be disturbed except when something interesting distracts her from the project on hand.
Languages Cait, Federation Standard


Personal History Born on Cait, Fe'cia was the third of four children. Her older sisters and younger brother were always trying to help her overcome her isolation. They finally gave up after twelve years, thinking that she would overcome it on her own. When she came of age, Fe'cia announced to her family that she was planning on joining Starfleet. The news was a major shock to her family, who promptly supported her.

Starfleet Records

Service Record Starfleet Academy
USS Rodger Young
USS Endeavour