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Sat Feb 2nd, 2019 @ 2:40am

Lieutenant Élan Val

Name Élan Val

Position Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Joined Trill
Age 30/103

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 135
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Golden Brown
Physical Description Élan is a tall, slim Trill woman who has an attractive figure. She wears her hair long and more often than not she will report for duty in civilian clothing. She will wear her uniform when ordered to do so or when she thinks that the occasion calls for it.


Father Tamos
Mother Akytha

Personality & Traits

General Overview Élan is often friendly, although she doesn't always have a cheerful demeanor. She maintains a professional demeanor while on duty that can sometimes be mistaken for detachment or aloofness. She is very dedicated to her job as a science officer, but she also shares Val's philosophy that one should enjoy life and is therefore willing to try new things. She approaches everything with veiled caution, sometimes appearing to not consider the risks involved.

Val is often considered to be an oddity, even among Trill symbionts. She is very young, but has already learned much and is eager to learn more. Val feels that while caution should be observed in all things, it sometimes gets in the way and a being must simply learn to go with 'gut instinct' at times. Val is also very interested in multiple aspects of pleasure and enjoyment, and believes that life should be lived and enjoyed. While young, the Val symbiont has already earned a reputation for being 'difficult', having actually rejected a number of potential hosts because of what can best be described as 'clashes of personality'.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Intelligent and wise
+ Photographic memory
+ Extremely sociable and friendly
+ Dedicated to her work
+ Loyal to her friends and shipmates

+/- Cautious, but only to a point

- Often becomes focused on something and is to be considered a workaholic
- Sometimes disregards the risks in dangerous situations
- Often has a problem with fitting in with the social norm
- Is willing to argue her point when she feels it is necessary
Ambitions Élan and Val both desire to learn as much as they can. Élan hopes to one day command an exploration ship; both Élan and Val hope to be a part of a major scientific breakthrough
Languages Federation standard, Trill, Vulcan, Romulan, Betazoid, Bajoran, some Cardassian, some Klingon


Personal History Val's Previous Hosts:

Élan Val (Female, host for 6 years): Élan had recently graduated from both Starfleet Academy and the program required for Trills to become hosts for a symbiont. Élan was chosen by Val, and they share closeness

Starfleet Records

Duty Shift Alpha