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Sat Aug 26th, 2023 @ 2:49pm

Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

Name Jera'turak Ros

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran/Romulan
Age 40
Date of Birth c. March 21 (Exact Day Unknown)
Place of Birth Bajor

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 125
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Jera is slim and of average height. Other than her ears, she has no outward tells of her Romulan heritage. She has the distinctive nose ridges from her Bajoran heritage, and she sometimes wears her birth mother's Bajoran ear ring. She wears her hair long and will usually have it tied back in a simple ponytail.


Father Tavik tr'Rilmatrac
Mother Ros Sulana
Brother(s) Solius tr'Rilmatrac
Sister(s) Jaeih tr'Rilmatrac

Personality & Traits

Ambitions None


Personal History Jera was born on Bajor in 2341. Her mother, Ros Sulana, was a member of the Bajoran Resistance. Her father, Tavik tr'Rilmatrac, had been an intelligence officer for the Romulan Empire who had been sent undercover and in disguise to infiltrate Bajor and scout the planet of Bajor and report on the Cardassian Occupation. During his time on Bajor, he met Sulana and they had a brief but deep and intense relationship. When his duties took him away from Bajor, Tavik attempted to take Sulana with him, but complications from her pregnancy left him with no choice but to leave without them. Sulana gave birth to Jera'turak in a stronghold of the Resistance. Due to a combination of complications, the conditions of Bajor in general and possibly an infection, Ros Sulana died shortly after Jera's birth. The others in the Bajoran resistance cared for and raised Jera, teaching her how to survive throughout the horrors of the occupation. From an early age, Jera was drawn to tinkering with every piece of technology she could get her hands on, from phasers to even the sublight fighters the Resistance used to fight the Cardassians. By the time the occupation ended, Jera was 27, a young woman who had become as bitter her every other Bajoran who had grown up during the occupation. While bitter, she had also developed a skill as an engineer and was quickly recruited as an engineer to work on the growing Bajoran Militia's fleet. While she enjoyed her work, Jera found that she longed for something greater. In 2374, during the height of the Dominion War, Jera enrolled into Starfleet Academy.

While Jera found it difficult to adjust to life in Starfleet at first, she quickly settled into her work and her studies. Due to the medical tests that were required as part of the entrance steps at the Academy, Jera was also placed in contact with her father, Tavik. While he was serving in the Romulan Galae, Tavik made the time to visit with his daughter on Earth. While not being as close as either would like, they still formed a bond and spoke often, with Tavik introducing Jera to a number of her Romulan family members during one visit. After proving her skill as an experienced engineer, she was quickly eased along in the Academy's engineering program. While she excelled as an engineer, her attitude often got her into trouble and was one of the reasons she graduated towards the bottom of her Academy class in 2378. Because of her experience and skill, Jera was granted advanced rank upon her graduation and assigned to the Ambassador 2 class USS Narendra. In 2379, Jera was transferred to the Intrepid Class USS Sagan. Due to a request for experience officers, Jera was transferred to the USS Endeavour in 2380. She remained with the Endeavour, even when the ship passed through an anomaly that left the ship and crew stranded in a parallel timeline.

Starfleet Records

Duty Shift Alpha
Service Record Bajoran Resistance
Bajoran Militia
Starfleet Academy
USS Narendra
USS Sagan
USS Endeavour