
  • 4 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue Apr 27th, 2021 @ 5:15am

Aura Vera

Name Aura Vera

Position Scientist

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (Unjoined)
Age 35
Date of Birth October 4, 2360
Place of Birth Trill

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 122
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark


Spouse None
Children None
Father Ásgeir Vesela (Joined, Deceased)
Mother Célestine Aloisi
Brother(s) Zane Aloisi
Other Family Numerous family members from her father's side (Vera family)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Aura is a Trill woman of average height. She is considered to be extremely attractive and intelligent. Preferring to be in the field, she dresses accordingly, often in slightly loose, durable and comfortable clothing. She often wears her hair long and tied back. She always wears a necklace that was a gift from her parents.


Starfleet Records

Duty Shift Alpha