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Sat Aug 10th, 2019 @ 11:44am

Lieutenant Grayson Reid

Name Grayson Alan Reid

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 30
Date of Birth January 10, 2365
Place of Birth Starbase 109

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 139 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Reid is tall standing at 5'11. He weighs 139 lbs which he thinks is skinny; he constantly works out in the gym to maintain and grow his physique. His Black eyes clash with his brown hair. It does have a hint of Blonde in it though. His crisp tan skin is that of all is fellow Betazoids.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Douglas Reid
Mother Kathy Reid
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Uncle Jonathan Reid, Captain of the USS Hurricane.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Grayson is a respectful young man. He is nice and kind to everyone that he comes across. The man is always honest and truthful and loves to help out in anyway that he can. Reid is very loyal, but believes that loyalty can easily be broken. He longs for companionship and a family, but he has yet to find it.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Good under pressure.
+Would give the shirt off his back for anyone.
+Respectful to his superiors.

-He gets a little wild when he goes clubbing.
-He lacks a good companion
Ambitions One day, Grayson hopes to become an executive officer. After that, his hopes are to become a commanding officer of his own medical ship. Finally, he wants to earn the rank of fleet admiral over Starfleet Medical and retire with those pips on.
Hobbies & Interests His hobbies include playing tennis. He loves to play it on the holodeck with a real person. Grayson's interest includes 20th and 21st century Earth (he gets this from his father).
Languages Federation Standard and a little Klingon
Vernacular Calm, but firm.
Sexual Orientation Undecided


Personal History Grayson was born to Douglas and Kathy Reid on Starbase 109. They were joyous when they met him. He has a long history of knowing your thoughts as he is telepathic. Alan was born on January tenth.

His childhood was spent on a starbase and then a starship. At a young age, he made his way to Starfleet Academy. Upon completion, he went to command and medical school. At both schools, he was top of his class. When he gratuated, he moved to thee USS Nina as the Assistant Chief Medical Officer. He stayed on board the ship most of his years in Starfleet; however, he did serve aboard other ships.

Grayson experienced his first death early on in his USS Nina years. He was on the ship for two days when it was boarded by the Borg. They took and assimilated the Chief Medical Officer. Alan was on the away team that went to disabled the Borg ship. He saw the Chief Medical Officer there. The away team's leader decided to kill him because he knew that no one would want to be a Borg. When he returned from the away team, the captain promoted him to the role of Chief Medical Officer.

After several years aboard the Nina, he got in a heated argument with the newly minted commanding officer, and he reluctantly got transferred. Grayson was approached by the intelligence division of Starfleet and given little mini assignments for 3 years as an Intelligence Operative in the BioMedical field. It was there that Reid had no luck with relationships. His longest relationship was a year. Wanting companionship and eventually a family, Reid decided to transfer back to Medical. His transfer request was approved.

Grayson was stationed aboard the USS Hyperion as Chief Medical Officer. The Hyperion's captain and Reid immediately struck up a friendship. To this day, Captain Graves and Grayson still maintain the friendship. The Hyperion, however, was eventually mothballed due to it being such an old ship. Reid, his shipmates, and his friends were transferred to new duty assignments.

Reid didn't particularly like his new ship, the USS Clark. The ship was full of newly minted officers and they were all stubborn when it came to having their physicals and maintaining their health. That didn't stop Reid, however, as he knew it was his duty to keep everyone in tip top shape. After a couple of years on board, Grayson decided to ask for a transfer to a Starbase. Reid was still longing for a family and hoped a Starbase would offer that.

Upon the approval of his transfer, Grayson came aboard Starbase 210. It was definitely a different type of atmosphere from the standard starship. He honestly hadn't realized how much he missed being aboard a starbase as a child. Reid spent years on board the starbase and thoroughly enjoyed it. Unfortunately, Grayson never really hit it off with anyone. He still longed for a family and a relationship. With standard crew rotations, Grayson was eventually transferred. His new assignment would be aboard the USS Endeavour. Excited, but weary, Grayson was ready to settle down and stay somewhere long term.

Starfleet Records

Education & Qualifications Standard High School Diploma
Starfleet Academy Officer Commission
-Medical Training
-Command Training
-Basic Flight Training
-Intelligence Training
Security Clearance Unknown
Duty Shift Alpha
Commendations & Awards Grayson graduated at the top of his class and received several academy commendations.
Quarters Deck Three
Service Record Starfleet Academy (Command and Medical School)
USS Nina
Intelligence Division of Starfleet Headquarters
USS Hyperion
USS Clark
Starbase 210
USS Endeavour