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Fri Sep 18th, 2020 @ 4:34am

Lieutenant Quint

Name Quint

Position Chief Helm Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ferengi
Age 29
Place of Birth Ferenganar

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 5 in
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color none
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Quint is the typical Ferengi in his height ad weight; he had been among Hue-Mons long enough to find out they can be profitable in many ways; not being the normal Ferengi he tends to follow trends that he sees in Holos; he will keep a neat uniform but his off duty attire is based upon his moods from what movie he has seen. He has taken on the more 'Macho style of human clothing in an attempt to be 'Cool." He is of a nice tone of voice and often wears hats or caps to better blend in with Hue-mons.

His talent with flight has sparked him wearing Aviator shades often to symbolize his being a pilot.


Father Noggin
Mother Tesslah

Personality & Traits

General Overview Quint has been around humans a bit too much ; he was not the type to have a store front; he had tried the concept of mobile but it had flopped. He entered the Academy and found a much better business of extreme probabilities; he is a gambler of both games of chance as well as events. He will bet on things as a game ; or so it seems on the surface, and takes reish in the changing of the bets rather than the making of Latinum. To him the thrill of things is the allure rather than the ROA's he had been taught.

Being gifted with Flight Controls and a general coordination it is said he had mixed blood in him but never confirmed. Unusually dexterous he is said to be the Pianist' of the Helm control as he has a mastery of it. His natural talent puts him in a higher bracket and he wears his 'shades' as he sees himself as a Top Gun.
Strengths & Weaknesses Talented Pilot who thinks outside the norm and has a grasp on the dynamics of flight control instinctively. He obey commands with a certain flair as he has been known to push the capacity of shuttle and Space Frames under combat simulations. He is physically stronger and dexterity from working out with humans to be a part of the group.

On the negative side he does have a tendency to be self-assured. He can be a bit of an ego about his ability, and likes to gamble with things outside of just games of chance. ego about how important Helm is to star travel.
Ambitions To show helm is an important part of a ship's operations.
Hobbies & Interests Adventure Holos
Games of chance
Making Gentlemen's bets
Flying machines
stellar Gravital study
HueMon females.

20th century male fashions
Percussion weapons
Tai Chi higher forms
cooking exotic dishes
meditating in Zero-Gravity.
Table Tennis champion rating.
Languages Ferngi, Standard, Orion, Cardassian
Sexual Orientation Hetero


Starfleet Records

Education & Qualifications Elite Helm Tactics,
Duty Shift Alpha
Commendations & Awards Fighter School wings, Advanced star-ship handling certification. Gravitational Study Certified.
Service Record Academy
Shuttle Pilot School
Fighter Pilot school
Helmsman Elite training.

Cadet Voyage USS Percival
Helmsman USS Denton
Beta shift chief Helmsman USS Fargo
Deputy Chief Helmsman USS Hornet
Chief Helmsman USS Endeavor