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Mon Aug 12th, 2024 @ 10:39pm

Grace Winters

Name Grace Elise Winters PhD

Position Diplomat

Second Position Counselor

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Icelandican
Age 34
Date of Birth December 27
Place of Birth New Icelandica

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 135 lbs
Hair Color Silver-Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Grace is graceful. She moves like a dancer (mostly because she is).
She likes to wear comfortable and classy clothing. In her work, she needs to look like a diplomat. She also likes clothing that doesn't restrict movement.
She generally wearing blacks and dark blues.
Her gaze and demeanor is calm but her gaze can be penetrating.


Father Nels Winters
Mother Pella Svensson
Brother(s) Sven

Personality & Traits

General Overview Grace has spent most of her life cultivating an air of calm. She keeps her feelings under tight control and rarely loses her temper. She is friendly and considerate of others. She genuinely likes people and is interested in what makes them the way they are. These traits help her in her work.
She is disciplined and focused on the job and prefers listening to music, reading, or other relatively quiet hobbies when off-duty.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Intelligent, calm, determination, studious, persistent.
Cheerful, empathic, a good listener.

Because she does not suffer fools, and does not like to hang out with people who are frivolous or flighty, she has developed a reputation for being a bit of a prude. Some call her the "Iron Maiden" both because of being selective about whom she associates with and because she is cool and determined to get to the bottom of an issue so that she can find common ground.
She will go to social gatherings as part of her job, but she much prefers small gatherings with friends.
She can be too serious.
Ambitions She's not quite sure what she wants to do with her life. She's been a dancer, historian, teacher, writer, computer specialist, and now diplomat. She loves to learn about history, cultures, people, and psychology. One day she'll decide, but for now, she is happy doing what seems right at the moment.
Hobbies & Interests Plays the violin, viola, and cello.
She studied lyrical jazz, folk dance, and ballroom dance. She was part of a dance team while she was in school.
She writes poetry and music.
She sings.
Languages She speaks Standard, Vulcan, Romulan, and knows greetings in several dozen languages.
Vernacular She speaks Standard with a slight accent.
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual


Personal History Grace was born on New Icelandica, a planet on the edge of known space. There she met many people from many worlds and heard many of their stories as both her parents ran an inn near the spaceport. She helped her mother in the kitchen and as a server until she was ten when her parents were killed when a shuttle crashed into the inn. She and her brother, Sven, were at school at the time.

Their grandparents, who they had never met before, came to make funeral arrangements and to take the children back to earth with them. Sven, 16, refused to go. He opted to sign on to a merchant ship instead.

Grace's grandparents were both diplomats and spent most of their time traveling around the Federation. They were impressed with Grace's ability to pick up languages and to greet various people in their native tongue. So they took her with them. She finished her schooling through the computer and learned to be unobtrusive when her grandparents were working. Lalter, she would help them with the research they needed for various assignments.

At sixteen she enrolled in a university on earth and studied history, psychology, ancient civilizations, literature, and computers. She has an MFA in literature and a PhD in history and psychology.

It was at university that she discovered dance and threw herself into various forms, finally deciding that she enjoyed lyrical jazz and ballroom best. She competed on the school team and did quite well, but when it was time to graduate, she chose to follow in her grandparent's footsteps and work for Starfleet.

She does not regret getting a university education and working as a civilian as it gives her the foundation she needs to work as a diplomat and psychologist.

Starfleet Records

Education & Qualifications Grace started university at the age of 16. She has Bachelor Degrees in communications, linguistics, psychology, ancient cultures, and history.
She has Masters Degrees in literature, linguistics, and history.
She has a PhD in psychology and communications.
Duty Shift Alpha
Service Record Served as diplomat on the USS Constitution from 2387-2389.
Served as senior diplomat and counselor on the USS Lonwen from 2389-2390.
Served as Chief Diplomat on the USS Potemkin from 2390-2392.
Served as roving diplomat for the Federation Diplomatic Corps 2392-2395.
Now serves on the USS Endeavour.