Civilian Specialist Jolloxa Rix

Name Jolloxa Rix

Position Nurse

Rank Civilian Specialist

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 28
Place of Birth Betazed, Misa City

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 5 in
Weight 128lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Jolloxa is an athletic body style as she takes care of herself and having to help with the movements of patients is a bit stronger than she looks. Her hair is past the shoulder slightly and green eyes. She wears the traditional Skirted uniform as a nurse. with on duty her hair is in a bun with long pins through it or wrapped in a ponytail. She has a smile more than not and the soft eyes that tend to be comforting.

Off duty she likes the more form fitting stretch material style clothing with some muted colors and contrasting. Her hair is down most of the time and she wears a comb on the right side; usually silver with minimal make up and jewelery.


Father Toolex
Mother Innoma

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jolloxa is a fun person to be around, she has a good grasp upon her Betaziod Telepathy and has focused more on her empathy so to better aid the patents in Sick Bay. She has a good bedside manner to her; often using the empathy to help comfort others or be a good hostess to them. Well trained to read only surface projections she scored an unusually high Telepathic score and fights to keep it under wraps with a meditation regiment designed to clear her mind and soul.

Off duty she is a kind and happy type who basks in the warmth of those around her; she has a hatred of being alone; mostly from her Betazoid heritage and telepathy not allowing her to really be alone. "May you die in the Dark and Alone..." is a Betazoid curse that scares Jolloxa to death. She follows small groups and larger ones upon occasion. She will seek out of the way places to cut the emphatic feed and relax her mind.

She has a fine appreciation of Orchestra music, out door activities and is more of a 'Doer than a Observer.' She keeps her mind body and sould in alignment to help keep her healthy. Her love of people in general has made her reluctant to extremes and sometimes she finds it hard to accept the concepts of Rage, Revenge and violence. She is passive for the most part unless provoked then her Martial training kicks in; a regiment of learning she took to master herself as well as defend.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Betazoid full blood
+ telepathic
+ Compassionate
+ Hyper sensitive touch

- Fears being totally alone
- can be pushy if back to wall
- Needs meditation to keep 'voices' controllable
- Bad temper when patents threatened.
Hobbies & Interests meditation
Kung Fu (Crane Style)w Blades
Playing Dulcimer

portrays a Chinese Martiala Monk travel about 19th century world
Languages Betazoid, Standard, Latin, Cardassian
Sexual Orientation Hetero


Personal History Jolloxa is the only child of her parents house of Rix. One day she is hoped to be the one to take the house as head. Several cousins dwell there along with her parents. Her childhood did not venture far from the house, some exploring of shires surrounding her family dwelling. Her schooling was high in the Math and Cryptography work sets.

In school she hung around the school healer; a Betazoid mystic that used her empathy to locate pain in the body and sometimes the soul. Learning from the Healer Jolloxa decided that being in the Healing trade is for her. Once through her middle teens and early adulthood Jolloxa studied healing whenever she could.

Upon coming of age she joined the Federation Medical Corps much to her parents dislike. Jolloxa felt she could get the best training there and after graduating too a year to visit a Mystic Telepath on Betazed who taught her the theory behind her gifts. SHe had learned the medical supplies and after a short stint with rebels Jololoxa was brought back to Betazed to complete her Telepathic training.

Starfleet Records

Duty Shift Alpha