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Sun Aug 29th, 2021 @ 9:22am

Lieutenant Katan

Name Katan

Position Starfleet Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 36
Place of Birth Qo'noS

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 230lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Katan has a traditional Klingon physic. He is tall and muscular with long black hair down passed his shoulders with a strong and tough exterior. He has a goatee on his chin because he never liked the mustache. He has several scars on his body, but never on his face. His hair is usually in a braid or tied back. Off duty he is rarely seen, however when he is, he usually has it loose. Like all Klingons he has the ridges on the forehead and a rigid spine which can be seen from his back. Unlike most Klingon's Katan has several tattoos on his light tanned body which are normally covered by his uniform. When in uniform, he wears a Klingon baldric with the symbol of the house of Gregargh and under it the Order of the Bat'leth award.

Right Arm: On his upper bicep a D'k tahg dagger with his father’s house crest on the center and written in Klingon under it is "ghIj qet jaghmeyjaj" translated "May your enemies run with fear"
Inside Right Forearm: The Emblem of the Klingon Empire surrounded by fire.
Right Wrist: Barb-wire wrapped around his wrist.
Left Arm: On the upper bicep down to his elbow is a Klingon woman in a warrior uniform. She is sitting on a throne with two Klingon Targs, one on each side of her, sitting with chains around their neck leading to her hands.
Left Shoulder: A Klingon Symbol that means Glory
Right Shoulder: A Klingon Symbol that means Honor


Spouse None
Children None
Father Former General Gregargh
Mother Former Commander Yalen
Brother(s) Captain Olok: Older Brother. Known as the d'akturak (Iceman) for his lack of mercy and emotionless demeanor. Captain of the Suvwl' yan (Warrior's Sword)

Bekk Trath: Younger Brother. Member of the Klingon Defense Force.
Sister(s) Commander Estall: Older Sister. Olok's Fraternal Twin. Known as the Queen of the Bat'leth in some circles because of her skill with the weapon and most bladed weapons.
Other Family Valkris: Female White Wolf. Joined Katan sometime after he was shunned. Considered his true friend. They share a connection by an event that happened, but Katan doesn't speak of it. She is considered much smarter then she looks.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Katan is usually quiet and soft spoken. He hardly ever raises his voice and tends to keep to himself. He will often refuse to speak of his family, but has been known to let a little slip out from time to time. On occasions, he comes off as intimidating, but is actually quite kind. Katan will sometimes prefer solitude over the company of others, but on rare occasions, will join a gathering for the sake of keeping up appearances. However, he does have a tendency to leave without warning or when no one is looking. Since his up bringing had revolved around being a warrior, he's highly training in bladed weapons and combat, but he will only resort to this if necessary. Even though he was dishonored and shunned, he still insists on holding to his traditions, and keeps his baldric on as a sign of this.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Physically Strong
+ Efficient in Hand to Hand Combat
+ Efficient in Bladed Weapons
+ Trained Marksman
+ Loyal to any who is loyal to him
+ Warriors Instincts (Good Tracker, Hunter, and Survivalist)

- Tends to be secretive
- Bad temper
- Can become Violent
- Strong Dislike Of Cardassians, Romulans, and Borg
- Dislikes Liars + Cheaters
Ambitions To be welcomed back into his family house and no longer shunned by his people. To have his honor restored.
Hobbies & Interests Hunting, Tracking, Weapons Training, Hand to Hand Combat Training, Boxing, Meditation, Pool, Darts, Holodeck, Reading,


Personal History ((There is more I just haven't organized it yet.))

Starfleet Records

Duty Shift Alpha