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Sat Feb 17th, 2024 @ 12:56pm

Lieutenant Jason McBain

Name Jason Leroy McBain

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30
Place of Birth Wyoming, Earth

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 205 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color blue
Physical Description McBain is a man who is a bit over average in height; his build is actually deceptive as he is an Engineer and thus does a bit of physical activity and resembles that of Triathlete with good muscles but more on the trim side. His black hair and blue eyes are striking and some call them piercing.

On duty he keeps his uniform neat but wears a utility vest with the tools he needs to do his job. He is a man in motion; his movements are like a gymnast as he works around Engineering and the Jeffery Tubes.


Father James
Mother Tabitha
Brother(s) Stuart (Older)
David 'Davie'
Sister(s) Henrietta 'Henry' (Older) (Tomboy)
Other Family Uncle Bob

Personality & Traits

General Overview McBain is a thinker; pondering many decisions and the thoughts that seem to come into his head. He is of a dry wit and rather reserved in his social interactions. He likes to be called 'McBain.'

On duty he is one to give precise instructions and enough to have faith his people will carry it out. He is of the belief his personnel know and can do their jobs as graduates of Star Fleet Training regiment. To think otherwise would put his universe at a disadvantage; he knows that thes Engineering Section is a team of individuals and all work together. Also with the confidance in his people it allows him to do things that match the requirements of the situation; sometimes having to be creative, with his team to support him he can achieve much.

His personal life is a bit like his Duty; he ponders and thinks a lot; he is precise with his opinions which are curbed by a dry sense of humor and sometimes more of a Straight Man of a Comedy Duo as his jokes can seem like statements rather than punchlines. His demeanor could be almost sarcasm with a straight face who speaks his mind in a way that is Tongue in cheek style conversation.

He is an outcast ; black sheep in a way from his family. He is technical minded but comes from a Dude Ranch in Wyoming. He was raised a Cowboy and Cow Puncher util he went to star fleet. Working on machines growing up to avoid the rigorous 'Cow Punching ' when he could.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Creative designer
+ Team player
+Dedicated Engineer

+/- Thinks outside normal parameters

- Dislikes dark
- Can seem lost in thought
- Does not like being contradicted by anyone other than fellow Engineer.
Ambitions To work on a Fast Exploration ship from ground up and involved with design phase.
Languages Federation Standard, Ferengi, Cengeti


Starfleet Records

Duty Shift Alpha