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Sun Apr 2nd, 2023 @ 3:29pm

Commander Inara Valérian

Name Inara Valérian

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 38
Place of Birth USS Euclid

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9''
Weight 130
Hair Color Auburn/Red
Eye Color Hazel, Predominately Green
Physical Description Inara is a human woman of average height. She has a slim, almost petite, build and a pale skin complexion. Her hair is a rich auburn color, which she usually wears either tied back into a simple ponytail or up in loose bun. She keeps herself fit and in shape with physical training and has strong muscle tone throughout her body. Inara rarely wears a lot of make-up, preferring just enough to accent her features and eye shadow.


Father Lieutenant Kaede Fujita (Deceased)
Mother Lieutenant Commander Aerona Valérian (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Inara is an intelligent, passionate, ambitious and aggressively determined individual, but at the same time she is quiet and kind. She believes that all who serve in Starfleet should uphold the morals and principles of both Starfleet and the Federation. She is extremely loyal to Starfleet and to those who serve with her. She knows that there are times which doing things by the book is simply not possible, and when faced with those situations she follows her conscience and her own personal morals, ensuring that any decision she makes is one that she can live with. She has a calm, cool headed temperament and tries hard not to lose her temper, although when she is angered she is similar to a volcano; she will simmer and let her anger build up until she either explodes or works it out through physical exercise.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Inara is friendly and intelligent, having a desire to learn as much as she can. She is interested in learning about different cultures and species and as a result she is very cultured and knowledgeable of other species and their different cultures. She also has a keen interest in scientific studies as well and as a result she has a wide knowledge base of scientific based topics. Her true strength is her piloting abilities. She has an instinctive ability to fly almost anything she sits at the helm controls of and she has honed this ability to the point that it is an automatic reflex as much as instinct. She does have a habit of pushing any star-ship she pilots to the very limits, and she isn’t afraid to do so with or without orders.

While Inara studies martial arts, she does so as a form of exercise. She is not a military or tactical officer by training or background out of preference, although she can hold her own in a fight if she must. She prefers to attempt to use diplomacy first in every situation, falling back on the use of violent force or military technique as a last resort, and at times she does this long after diplomacy has been exhausted. She does have a temper that can quickly build up under certain circumstances, and although she tries to remain calm even when she is angered, Inara has been known to simply 'go off' and let her temper take control when her limit has been reached. During these times, she has been known to bypass the use of diplomacy, although these times are rare.
Ambitions Inara desires to travel throughout the galaxy to explore ancient cultures and civilizations as well as meet new alien species and learn more about the universe in general.
Hobbies & Interests Inara loves to read, and is an avid reader. She prefers actual books and has a rather large library. Her favorite topics are anything regarding history or science. She also has a keen interest in martial arts and dance and partakes in both as a form of exercise. In addition, Inara enjoys listening to music and has an interest in culinary arts.
Languages Federation Standard, Vulcan (Modern), Romulan, Klingon, Bajoran, as well as a number of Earth based languages. She has a limited understanding of Cardassian, Orion, Caitian and Ferengi
Sexual Orientation Bisexual


Personal History Inara was born in 2344 aboard the New Orleans class Federation star-ship USS Euclid. Her father, Lieutenant Kaede Fujita, died on board the USS Terebellum in a skirmish with a band of pirates shortly before she was born, leading her mother, Lieutenant Aerona Valérian, alone to raise their daughter. Being raised on a Federation star-ship wasn't all that bad, as Inara had an entire ship of people to help raise and teach her. At an early age, she developed a desire to learn, finding that she had a keen interest in learning about other species and their cultures and ancient history in general. Growing up on the USS Euclid, Inara could more often than not be found in the science labs and classrooms, although she also enjoyed spending time in the ship's arboretum.

Tragedy struck Inara's life in 2356 when the USS Euclid was struck by an unknown subspace anomaly in deep space beyond the Federation borders. With the Euclid heavily damaged, the crew were nearly forced to abandon the ship when an overload in the ship's warp nacelles threatened to destroy or cripple much of the ship. Her mother, serving as the Euclid's Second Officer, devised a plan and set it into action. Sacrificing herself, Lieutenant Commander Aerona Valérian rerouted the overloaded energy into a single warp nacelle and manually ejected the nacelle with herself trapped inside the nacelle control room. Unable to escape, she spoke to Inara over a short range communications channel for several minutes before the nacelle exploded, killing her. Inara was devastated, having lost her father before she had even been born and now her mother, but she allowed her mother's final words to encourage her to try to move on.

With both of her parents dead and no known next of kin available to care for her, guardianship of Inara was given to another Starfleet Officer: Aerona's closest friend and another Starfleet Officer Commander Elizabeth Watts. Unlike Inara's mother, Commander Watts had requested assignment to Starfleet Command, preferring to stay on Earth close to home rather than go forth and explore the universe. Having to move from being on a star-ship to a planet was perhaps the greatest sadness that Inara thought she could endure, second only to loosing her mother. Often feeling trapped and alone and isolated, Inara began to develop new interests while she maintained quite a few of her established ones. While she never disobeyed her foster parent, Inara did rebel slightly by pushing the limits of the rules as often as she dared. She began to develop a talent for piloting, go as far as learning and flying Commander Watts' personal shuttle at times when she could sneak away in it. When her foster parent discovered Inara and her flying, rather than punish her Elizabeth encouraged Inara to fly.

In addition to developing her interests, Inara also used her schoolwork as an escape, sometimes completing months of classwork at a time so that she could have more time to pursue her other interests. Because of this, she excelled at her school testing and was placed one grade higher than normal when she entered high school. Inara found this to be a welcome challenge and she met it with ease. Upon her graduation from high school a full year early, she informed her foster parent that she was entering Starfleet, no matter what. Commander Watts granted her permission, thinking that Inara and Starfleet would both benefit.

Inara found that life at Starfleet Academy was slightly different than what she was used to as far as life in Starfleet was in general. The Academy was more rigid than she had thought it would be, but she accepted the change and embraced her new and more structured environment. She clashed often with several of her instructors, and was nearly expelled for her method of pushing herself too far. It was only when Commander Watts intervened and sat down with her that Inara began to accept all of the rules. She settled into her place at the Academy, and although she excelled in her scores she was more than a little disappointed when she applied for and was rejected by the Academy's Red Squad, whose commanding instructor felt that she pushed herself far too much. Through a classmate and close friend, Inara discovered martial arts and used it and dancing as a form of both exercise and stress relief.

On her graduation from Starfleet Academy in 2366, Inara applied for Starfleet's advanced flight school, which was dedicated to training fighter pilots. Because of her exceptional piloting abilities, she was accepted, and while she excelled throughout the course she was often disciplined because of her tendency to push herself and and craft she flew far beyond the acceptable limits. She graduated from the Starfleet Fighter Pilot School and was awarded her flight wings in 2367, but she also earned herself a reputation among the fighter pilot community of near recklessness. She was assigned to the USS Metis Shoal, a Nebula class star-ship assigned to patrol along the Romulan and Klingon borders. While excited to be assigned to the Metis Shoal, Inara was openly disappointed that she was assigned as an operations officer and reserve helmsman and not the other way around. She channeled her disappointment by training herself to hone her abilities and curb her tendency to push herself so much. She gradually earned her place among the crew on board the Metis Shoal, and while she wasn't always happy with her position she made the best of her assignment, which eventually allowed her time at the helm of the Metis Shoal.

Inara's exceptional helm abilities became well known to quite a few officers along the area of operations which the USS Metis Shoal was assigned, in no small way assisted by her commanding officer's openly bragging about the officers under his command. In 2371, she was offered a transfer to the USS Spartan, a Steamrunner Class star-ship. Inara almost refused until the first officer on the Metis Shoal informed her that while it would take her away from the niche she had managed to settle in on board the Metis Shoal, it could very well be a career move if she ever wanted to advance to possibly earning herself a command one day. Inara thought over the options before her for a long time before she decided to accept the transfer. Moving to the USS Spartan also brought new challenges as well, since officers on board the smaller Steamrunner class ships were required to be cross trained and able to operate in multiple departments. Inara welcomed the fresh challenges and met them with her typical headstrong manner. After two years on the Spartan, she was offered the position of chief helm officer on the newly launched USS Sentinel, an Intrepid Class star-ship. Having heard about the Intrepid class ships and knowing that the move would greatly affect her career as a Starfleet Officer, Inara accepted.

The USS Sentinel was more than anything Inara could had hoped for. She quickly fell in love with the ship, discovering that the Intrepid class ship was just as fast and maneuverable as anything else she had ever flown. Despite several offers for transfers to other star-ships, Inara remained on board the Sentinel for several years, gradually climbing to the position of Executive Officer. In 2378, her commanding officer sponsored Inara for a promotion and assignment as executive officer on board one of Starfleet's newest Sovereign class star-ships, the USS Venture. After four years on the Venture, Inara was offered a transfer to the newly launched Sovereign class star-ship, the USS Endeavour.

Starfleet Records

Duty Shift Alpha
Service Record Service Record
2362-2366 - Starfleet Academy, Cadet
2366-2367 - Starfleet Fighter Pilot School
2367-2371 - USS Metis Shoal
2371-2373 - USS Spartan
2373-2378 - USS Sentinel
2378-2382 - USS Venture
2382-Pres - USS Endeavour