
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Sat Aug 26th, 2023 @ 2:49pm

Lieutenant Commander Zodrac Kosh

Name Zodrac Kosh

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Cardassian
Age 38
Place of Birth Cardassia Prime

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 223lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Light Brown
Physical Description Zodrac looks like a typical Cardassian with the light-gray skin, vertical neck ridges, and inverted tear-shaped ridge in the center of his forehead. However, what throws many people off is his Starfleet Uniform. A sight not normally seen considering the Cardassian reputation. He has many scars on his skin from many fights throughout his career as a Cardassian Officer and of a Starfleet Officer. On his off time he could be seen in casual clothing, but sometimes in traditional Bajoran garb which tends to throw Bajorans who aren't away of his family, and history, into a frenzy. He also has a custom Bajoran earring with his wife's family symbol on it.


Spouse Elra Kosh
Children Arna Kosh - 5 years old
Father Legate Jorvan Kosh
Mother Gul Tala Kosh
Brother(s) Gul Trugan Kosh (Older Brother)
Sister(s) Glinn Ina Kosh (Fraternal Twin)
Other Family Misha Kosh (Grandmother, High Ranking Diplomat, Alleged ties to the Obsidian Order and Central Command), Vab Garka (Father-in-Law, Former Resistance Fighter), Vab Narva (Mother-in-Law, Former Resistance Fighter), Vedak Vab Samek (Brother-in-Law)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Zodrac has spent a long time in the Cardassian Militia and found it hard to put it all behind him. He often misses home and interacting with other Cardassians, mainly his family and friends, however he doesn't miss the atrocities he was ordered to do. Do to this he's developed a bad habit of accepting peoples hatred of him because of his people's history. He will sometimes allow himself to be hurt in order to give his attacker a small feeling of justice, but he won't take it for long, as he will defend himself until his attack is subdued. Zodrac will NEVER disfigure, disable, or kill any who is attacking him unless absolutely necessary.

His loyalties are to anyone wearing the uniform, his family, and his friends. He's often shocked some officers whose worked along side him by the length he will go to watch out for them and get them out of a jam. Even if it means harming himself. He doesn't like to talk about his past history in the Cardassian Militia or Obsidian Order, even working for Starfleet Intelligence, but he will never hold anything back if its important to what is going on or what's to come. Zodrac doesn't share his peoples cocky demeanor, or their knack for justifying their every crime, but he can switch to being a typical Cardassian should the situation call for it. He even has his old Uniform in the event its needed.
Strengths & Weaknesses Zodrac is highly training in a variety of combat techniques and is a skilled marksman, but he doesn't like to flaunt it like most. He keeps to himself and rarely reveals anything about his past, or skills, unless its necessary. However, when he grows close to someone, he's an open book. He'll crack jokes and offer a friendly ear should someone require it. He often has a story for ever situation with a small lesson to be learned.

He'll often get lost in memories of home or family. Zodrac's banishment and label as a traitor bother's him very much. However, while he is labeled a traitor, Zodrac still holds onto his connects and is not against using them for information. Whether its for a mission or just about news about his family. He will sometimes be found in a holodeck program that resembles a place on Cardassia Prime or a ship from his past. While a part of him doesn't regret his actions, he regrets he'll never return, nor will he ever be able to show his daughter the home he grew up in and the family she may never know.
Ambitions To become the first Cardassian Starfleet Officer to Command a Starship. To return to Cardassia and be allowed back into his family.
Hobbies & Interests Combat Training, Weapons Collecting and Training, Holo-Novels, Reading, Dancing, Drinking, Gambling, and Bajoran Culture
Languages Cardassian, Klingon, Bajoran, Starfleet Standard, Romulan, and Ferengi
Sexual Orientation Straight


Personal History -Will fill in later-

Starfleet Records

Education & Qualifications -Will fill in later-
Security Clearance High Level, Starfleet Intelligence Covert Operations
Duty Shift Alpha
Service Record -Will fill in later-