
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Sun Apr 9th, 2023 @ 4:50pm

Lieutenant Sultana Wolff

Name Sultana Wolff

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 27
Place of Birth Akureyri, Iceland, Earth

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5
Weight 135
Hair Color Light brown with highlights
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Sultana is short but curvy with just the right amount of muscles to attribute to her looks. Other than her shorter height, she is the embodiment of Northern beauty. She wears her hair long and loose, although she will often tie it back when working.


Father Alexander Jóhannsson
Mother Skye Wolff

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sultana seems cold and quiet and simply blunt, almost to the point of being rude, when she has to engage in conversation with people she doesn't know. This is because she's not very sociable and more comfortable with a ship's engineering systems than people. She will eventually warm up to people and become slightly more sociable with people once she gets to know them. For the most part, she is calm and cool even when working under pressure, however she does have a temper that very few have ever seen and even fewer have dared to challenge.
Languages Federation Standard, Icelandic, Modern Vulcan, Latin, Arabic, German


Starfleet Records

Education & Qualifications Basic Administration
Basic Federation Law
Federation History
Language Studies: Federation Standard
Language Studies: Modern Vulcan
Language Studies: Earth Languages (Latin, Arabic, German)
Basic First Aid
Basic Starfleet Survival Training
Starfleet Protocol and Regulation
Senior Officer Training
Basic Unarmed Combat
Small Arms Combat: Hand Phaser
Vac Suit Operations Training
Basic Flight and Navigation Training
Pilot Training: Shuttlecraft
Pilot Training: Runabout
Basic Astronomy and Astrophysics
Advanced Computer Operation
Advanced Computer Programming
Advanced Starship Systems: Sensors, Transporters, Communications, Computers, Computer Systems, Deflector Shield Systems, Life Support, Impulse Systems, Warp Drive Systems, Security Systems, Phaser Systems
Duty Shift Alpha