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Thu Apr 6th, 2023 @ 8:23pm

Lieutenant Dr. Tazi "TK" Kiasas Roen

Name Dr. Tazi "TK" Kiasas Roen DO.

Position Starfleet Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Trill (Joined)
Age 29 (263)
Date of Birth January 14, 2353
Place of Birth Trill Homeworld

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 165 Lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Green - Hazel
Physical Description TK is a young man of youthful appearance; he has the customary trill spots of his species beginning at the hairline at the sides of the forehead and traveling down the sides of his body to his feet. He is physically fit and has Brown hair and green/hazel eyes with a pale to tan complexion.


Father Dr. Riarvin Kiasas MD. CAPT. Starfleet Medical
Mother Kiria Kiasas Nee: Ruhn CDR. Starfleet Corps of Engineering
Brother(s) Jedri Kiasas
Other Family Grandfather (M) Aagol Ruhn
Grandmother (M) Jadzael Ruhn Nee: Purran
Grandfather (P) Nidiad Kiasas
Grandmother (P) Mesras Kiasas Nee: Kenan

Personality & Traits

General Overview Over the course of his career, TK has formed close friendships with several fellow officers, including his fellow medical staff and a few officers from other departments. He values these relationships deeply and often turns to his friends for support and advice.
TK is also open about his sexuality and has formed several romantic relationships throughout his life. He has found love and companionship with partners of various species and is known for his open-mindedness and accepting nature.
While he is often focused on his work and his duties as a Starfleet officer, he makes time for his relationships and prioritizes the emotional well-being of his partners.
In terms of his interpersonal relations, TK is known for his diplomatic skills and ability to resolve conflicts. He is skilled at listening to others' perspectives and finding common ground, even in difficult situations. He values open communication and honesty and is always willing to work towards a positive resolution.
Overall, TK is a caring and empathetic individual who values his relationships and connections with others. He is committed to serving his crew and the Federation as a whole but also takes time to prioritize his emotional well-being and personal relationships.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Expertise in multiple scientific fields: With PhDs in genetics, exobiology, and zoology, Dr. Roen would have a deep understanding of the biology and ecology of different species. This knowledge could prove invaluable in his role as Chief Medical Officer, particularly when encountering new and unfamiliar species.

Strong critical thinking skills: Given his scientific background, Dr. Roen has developed excellent critical thinking skills, which enable him to quickly analyze and solve complex medical problems.

Compassion and empathy: As a doctor, Dr. Roen has a strong sense of empathy and compassion towards others, which helps him to connect with patients and colleagues alike.

Strategic thinking: As a member of a starship's crew, Dr. Roen is able to think strategically and make difficult decisions that could impact the safety and well-being of the entire crew.


Difficulty connecting with others: While Dr. Roen may have a strong sense of empathy, he also struggles with forming deep personal connections with others due to his introverted personality.

Perfectionism: With such a vast amount of scientific knowledge, it's possible that Dr. Roen could become overly focused on perfection and precision, which could lead to him becoming overly critical of himself and others.

Difficulty with authority: Given his expertise in multiple fields, Dr. Roen may sometimes struggle to accept authority that he disagrees with, which could create tension with superiors or other members of the crew.

Emotional sensitivity: Dr. Roen’s compassion and empathy could also leave him vulnerable to becoming emotionally overwhelmed by the stress and trauma of his job, particularly in high-stakes medical situations.
Ambitions Advancing scientific knowledge: Given his expertise in genetics, exobiology, and zoology, Dr. Roen is driven by a desire to make new discoveries and contribute to the field of science. He is particularly interested in studying rare, novel, or little-known species, or in exploring the ways that different species interact with each other.

Improving medical care: Dr. Roen has a strong interest in improving the medical care available to crew members. He may be driven to develop new treatments or technologies that can better address injuries or illnesses or to find ways to more effectively treat crew members with unique physiological needs or conditions.

Climbing the ranks: Dr. Roen is interested in advancing his career within Starfleet. He aspires to achieve a higher rank, take on more prestigious roles within the organization, and otherwise increase his influence and impact on medicine and Science.
Hobbies & Interests Reading: Given his impressive academic background, Dr. Roen is an avid reader, particularly of scientific or academic texts. However, he also enjoys reading fiction or nonfiction for pleasure, as a way to unwind and escape from the stresses of his job.

Exercise: As a medical professional, Dr. Roen understands the importance of physical health, and makes it a priority to exercise regularly. He enjoys activities like running, cycling, and swimming. He also enjoys Tai chi chuan and Parrises Squares

Cooking: Cooking can be a creative and relaxing outlet, and Dr. Roen enjoys experimenting with new recipes and cooking techniques in his spare time. He is particularly interested in cooking healthy meals that can support overall health and wellness.

Music: Music can be a powerful way to connect with emotions and unwind, and Dr. Roen is a fan of various musical genres. He also enjoys listening to music while exercising and cooking and plays the standard earth Piano and Trill Pianos as a way to relax and unwind.
Languages English, Trill, (Romulan, Klingon, Vulcan - Since Joined)
Vernacular Received Pronunciation
Sexual Orientation Gay


Personal History TK was born on the Trill Homeworld in the year 2353 From a young age, TK has always shown a natural aptitude for science and medicine, and his parents encouraged him to pursue his interests. As he grew older, TK's passion for learning only intensified, and he became a top student at the Trill Science Academy.
Early Childhood
TK’s Parents were both serving Starfleet Officers. His mother was a Starfleet engineer, while his father was a Starfleet medical officer. Due to their professions, TK and his brother moved around a lot as children living on various starships and starbases as their parent’s careers demanded, at other time TK's parents were often away on long assignments, and TK and his brother spent much of their childhoods being cared for by Grandparents on the Trill Homeworld.
Despite their absences, TK's parents were deeply committed to their son's upbringing and education. They encouraged his natural curiosity and intellect and worked hard to provide him with opportunities to explore his interests in science and medicine. TK's parents also instilled in him a deep appreciation for Trill culture and tradition and emphasized the importance of respecting and honoring the symbionts.
Growing up, TK often felt a sense of loneliness and isolation due to his parents' frequent absences. However, he found solace in his studies, spending much of his free time reading and learning about a variety of subjects. He was particularly drawn to science and medicine, and spent many hours conducting experiments and studying medical texts.
Trill Science Academy
TK was granted early acceptance into the Trill Science Academy at the age of 16, where with is prodigious intellect he graduated from his Ph.D. programs, earning premier distinctions in Genetics, Exobiology, and Zoology in only 3 years.
Starfleet Medical Academy
TK then 19 decided to pursue a career in Starfleet. He had always been fascinated by the stars, and he saw Starfleet as the perfect opportunity to explore the galaxy and make a difference in the lives of others. TK was accepted at Starfleet Medical Academy, where he excelled in his studies and quickly became known for his sharp mind and dedication to his work. After graduating with honors, and receiving double board certification in Emergency &Internal Medicine and General Surgery. He spent six months as a junior medical officer at Starfleet Medical, Earth, before taking an extended leave of absence to go to the Trill Homeworld to participate in the Trill Initiate Program for Joining with a Symbiont.
Trill Initiate
When TK turned 24, he was selected to become an initiate to become a Joined Trill. The Symbiosis Commission had identified him as a highly gifted individual, and they believed that the Roen symbiont would be a good match for him. TK Initiate training was an accelerated program lasting only 6 months due to the terminal status of the former Roen Host. The Roen symbiont had already had seven prior hosts, including two surgeons, four scientists, and a Starfleet captain, and it was known for its keen intellect and insatiable curiosity. The Joining process was a success, and TK emerged as a new being, with all the knowledge and memories of the previous Roen hosts at his disposal. he was both excited and intimidated by the prospect of carrying on the legacy of such accomplished individuals, but he was determined to make the most of his new life. After finishing the initiate program Dr. Roen returned to Starfleet from his leave of absence and was assigned to the USS Yorktown as a medical officer.

USS Yorktown
Over the next few years, TK proved himself to be an invaluable member of Yorktown’s crew. He worked tirelessly to heal the sick and injured, and he was always eager to learn new things and take on new challenges. His symbiont’s knowledge and experience proved to be an asset in many situations, and TK quickly gained a reputation as one of the brightest and most capable medical officers.
Starfleet Medical, Earth
TK next served as a medical officer at Starfleet Medical, Earth. he has faced many challenges and overcome many obstacles, but he remains as passionate and dedicated as ever. he knows that he has been given a great gift in the form of the Roen symbiont, and he is determined to use it. As a joined trill and Starfleet medical officer, TK is often in contact with a wide range of individuals from different cultures and backgrounds. Despite his sometimes-reserved demeanor, he is known for his kindness, compassion, and willingness to help those in need.

Starfleet Records

Education & Qualifications Trill Science Academy
Starfleet Medical Academy
Trill Initiate Program
Security Clearance Level 7
Duty Shift Alpha
Commendations & Awards Starfleet Medical Achievement Award: This award recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of Starfleet medicine, and is given to medical officers who have demonstrated exceptional skill, knowledge, and dedication.

Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry: This citation is awarded to officers who have demonstrated exceptional bravery and heroism in the line of duty. Awarded for beaming down and treating a virulent form of plasma plague during a planetary civil war at great personal risk on Altaire III.

Exobiology Pioneer Award: This award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of exobiology, and is given to those who have made groundbreaking discoveries or developed new technologies to study alien life forms.
Quarters Deck 6, Section 045, Room 0669
Service Record Starfleet Medical Academy
Starfleet Medical, Earth – Junior Medical Officer
USS Yorktown, Medical Officer
Starfleet Medical, Earth – Senior Medical Officer
USS Endeavour, Chief Medical Officer