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Mon Apr 8th, 2024 @ 11:06pm

Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

Name Isabella Lia dei`Silvisi

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 37
Date of Birth July 24 2345
Place of Birth Syracuse, Sicily, Italy (Earth)

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3
Weight 115
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Isabella is a short, attractive human woman from Italy, Earth. She has a lithe, athletic build with raven black hair that has a slight curly wave to it.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Vasco dei`Silvisi
Mother Angelica dei`Silvisi
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Valentina dei`Silvisi
Other Family Marina dei`Silvisi (Grandmother)
Liviana dei`Silvisi (Aunt)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Isabella is highly intelligent and a quick thinker. Having been raised in a family of medical professionals and seeing firsthand the horrors that conflict can inflict on others, she prefers to try to solve problems though nonviolent means first. However, she is willing to concede to the fact that sometimes, aggressiveness and force is required. Because of this, she has a warm, friendly disposition, despite the fact that she is extremely shy. She is an avid reader and has a liking towards history and wanderlust for exploring the stars.
Strengths & Weaknesses Isabella is extremely intelligent and has an eidetic memory and an eagerness to learn. She loves to take on new challenges, but will often think upon her options and later her choices for a prolonged period of time. She has a warm, friendly disposition, but is extremely shy around anyone she does not know very well. She is also uneasy with being in a large group of people, more so when there are not very many people around that she knows personally. In addition, she also suffers from claustrophobia due to a childhood experience.
Ambitions To serve as a command officer, and later as the commanding officer, on a deep space explorer and to later retire on Earth.
Hobbies & Interests She loves to read, especially non-fiction. Isabella also loves to sing, and she has both a contralto and mezzo-soprano singing voice. In addition, she also has a love for history, dance, and exploration of the stars. She also has a minor interest in martial arts.
Languages Federation Standard, Italian, Latin, French, Portuguese, Vulcan, some Romulan, some Klingon
Vernacular Isabella is quiet and soft spoken; she has a clear Italian accent that becomes more noticeable when her emotions overwhelm her demeanor
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual


Personal History Isabella was born in Sicily, Italy on Earth in July 2345. The second daughter born to professional doctors Vasco and Angelica dei`Silvisi, Isabella, like her older sister Valentina, was mostly raised by her grandmother Marina and her aunt Liviana. Her parents were both very successful doctors and at an early age insisted that both of their daughters learn the medical field with the expectation that Isabella and Valentina would follow in their steps and become doctors as well. While her sister obeyed without question, Isabella made numerous attempts to try to find her own path in life.

With the support of her grandmother and aunt, Isabella started taking singing and dancing lessons at an early age, and eventually she branched out to take lessons in martial arts. While her mother eventually came around to support Isabella's interests, her father took a hard, firm stance on what he expected of his daughter. While her sister was reluctant to speak her mind on what she wanted, Isabella had no such problem, as she quickly became passionate about wanting to choose her own life. This caused tension between Isabella and her father early on and remained a source of uneasiness between them, even after Isabella moved out of her parents home and in with her aunt Liviana in 2360.

In 2363, Isabella graduated high school as valedictory of her class. While she had been granted a number of scholarships, none were enough to pay for a full term to collage. Reluctantly, she was forced to ask her parents for help in paying her tuition. While her mother had no reservations, Isabella's father insisted that she go to a medical college. Seeing no other choice at the time, Isabella agreed and entered medical school. In addition to her classes, she also accepted a job at the medical collage's hospital. When she graduated from medical school with a number of bachelor's degrees in 2367, Isabella openly defied her father when he demanded that she accept a medical job close to home. Instead, she entered a university in Germany and majored in stellar and life sciences. Upon her graduation in 2371 with several bachelor’s degrees in a number of science disciplines, including stellar science, life science, and a focused bachelor’s degree in planetology as well as a number of associate’s degrees, Isabella applied to and was accepted into Starfleet Academy.

Isabella adjusted to life in Starfleet Academy as quickly and easily as the majority of cadets. She had very few issues with her instructors and fellow cadets, although she was criticized by her instructors over the fact that she was shy around large groups of people. Much to even her own surprise, Isabella was initially selected for her class's martial arts team, although she later dropped from the team in order to join the swimming team. She also learned to play several musical instruments during her first two years at the Academy, although she focused on the piano and violin. During her third year in 2374, Isabella was among one hundred cadets in her class to be selected and assigned to full active duty assignments throughout Starfleet due to the Dominion War.

Although she was still a cadet, Isabella found herself assigned to the Nova class USS Nightingale, a science frigate that had been converted into a medical support ship and assigned to support the front lines of the war due to an ever increasing demand for experienced and knowledgeable medical personnel. While she had already experienced the horrors of violence due to growing up in a family of medical specialists and working in the trauma ward of a hospital while in college, the Dominion War showed Isabella an even uglier side that she hadn't fully expected. After working in the trauma ward for several months, Isabella requested to be transferred to the Nightingale's science department, where she spent the remainder of the war.

With the Dominion Wars end in 2375, Isabella was returned to Earth and Starfleet Academy. By a special dispensation, she was granted her officer's commission and awarded the rank of ensign. She was quickly assigned to the Nebula class USS Ravenna as a science officer. Isabella was promoted to the position of chief science officer in 2378, which she held until she was transferred to the Intrepid class USS Endeavour in 2380.

Initially, Isabella was assigned to the Endeavour as acting department head to both the science and medical departments, although she had been thinking for some time about furthering her Starfleet career. After discussing it over with the Endeavour's acting executive officer, Isabella requested a transfer to a command position and was named executive officer on the Endeavour after the ship's shakedown cruise. After several months and finding that she had sufficient time on her hands, Isabella discussed with the Endeavour's commanding officer and took on the dual role as both chief science officer and executive officer. After serving in both roles for a time, Isabella decided to step down from the position of executive officer and focus solely as chief science officer.

Starfleet Records

Education & Qualifications Isabella graduated from high school in Syracuse as class Valedictory. She holds a Bachelor of Medicine from the University of Athens as well as Bachelor’s Degrees in; Astronomy and Stellar Science, Life Science, and a focused Bachelor’s Degree in Planetology from Heidelberg University. In addition, she holds a number of associate’s degrees.

Starfleet Qualifications:
Basic Helm Certification
Advanced Science Certification
Medical Certification
Diplomacy Certification
Senior Officer Certification
Bridge Officer Certification
Command Officer Certification
Duty Shift Alpha
Quarters Deck Four
Service Record 2371 to 2374: Starfleet Academy (Cadet)
2374 to 2375: USS Nightingale (Acting Medical/Science Officer)
2375 to 2380: USS Ravenna (Science Officer, Chief Science Officer)
2380 to PRES: USS Endeavour (Chief Science Officer)