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StarDate 241412.14 Civilian N.P.C. Log: Elanawen Valenar

Posted on Sun Dec 14th, 2014 @ 8:23pm by Ensign Elanawen Valenar

580 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Elanawen had to admit that even though the quarters that had been arranged for her on the Endeavour weren't an upstairs bedroom overlooking St. Petersburg or the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco, they were comfortable enough and did have a beautiful view of the stars. She hadn't been able to bring any of her furniture or the majority of her collection, but the view from her quarters made up for it. Having nothing to do other than unpack an decorate, and since she had the fully functional capabilities of the ships replicator system at her disposal, Elanawen had take full advantage and decorated her quarters to her heart’s content.

While the general color of her quarters, like everything else on the entire ship, was gray, Elanawen had added several large black area rugs to the floors, a dark multicolored furry blanket to her bed, and even a few other oddball decorations before she had set up her collection. She had mostly brought a small sample of everything, but her stuffed animal collection and what she called her 'creepy stuff' collection hadn't been kept to a minimum like everything else. The problem was that even though her quarters were larger than she had expected, she had still brought a lot of stuff and shelves were rare in Starfleet quarters. Fortunately, the replicator could produce tools and parts, and if Elanawen's mother had taught her anything it was how to be creative. That was why any entire wall of the main room of Elanawen's quarters was now tastefully decorated with several bookshelves and display cases that were home to a bizarre collection of things, from crystal balls and candles to a marble chess set that had been handmade. Satisfied that her quarters would do for now, Elanawen set the tools into the declaimer system to be broken down into raw material and decided that a hot shower would be nice.

Stepping over to the bathroom, Elanawen stripped off her clothes and turned the shower on, setting the water to a pleasantly hot temperature before stepping into the shower. Being a typical teenager, Elanawen liked to take a long shower, and this was no exception. She had just finished soaking and had turned to face the shower head to scrub her face when the hot water suddenly turned to ice cold in a matter of seconds. Gasping, she stumbled and managed to grab the bar that was set into the wall of the shower stall with one hand while the other frantically searched for the water controls. Finding the control panel, Elanawen tried to turn the cold water off and run just the hot, but the water remained freezing cold. Trying to control her shivering, Elanawen turned the shower off and managed to get out of the shower stall. Shivering, she found a warm robe and quickly put it on before she tapped the comm.-badge her mother had insisted she get.

"Valenar to maintenance?"

"Engineering here, how can I help you Commander?"

"My hot water is not working," Elanawen said. "Is there some way you can fix it?"

"We're already on it ma'am."

"Good. Please hurry," Elanawen half way growled before she signed off. It took her a couple of minutes after she had deactivated the comm.-line before she realized that the engineers had thought she was her mother. With an evil giggle, Elanawen sat down on the couch and took several minutes to laugh.

Elanawen Valenar
USS Endeavour


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