Promotion Policy

Created by Captain Alistar McKeon on Fri Dec 5th, 2014 @ 6:12pm

USS Endeavour Promotion/Awards Policy

Promotions and awards are given out based on merit, not time served. That being said, everyone who deserves recognition will receive it if they are active and maintain their contributions to the sim. Awards are generally given out at the end of a mission, although there may be exceptions to this rule from time to time. Promotions are given out based on a number of factors, including but not limited to the total number of players on a sim, the character's currently rank compared to other rank and number of characters with equivalent or higher rank, the player's contributions to the sim and activity level, and time served at current rank. Please keep in mind that generally, the rank of Lieutenant is the standard rank cap for most characters with officer ranks. Exceptions can and will be granted from time to time, based on time served with the sim, player contributions and activity, and character position as well as other factors.
A few notes to keep in mind. Most player characters will automatically be given the rank of Ensign when they join the sim, or a rank suitable to both the position applied for and the character applied with. Enlisted ranks are no longer used on the Endeavour sim, although warrant officer ranks are still used for some positions and civilian specialist positions are also available.

*Please note that the promotion policy is a guide only and the commanding officer has final say over all promotions.

First Draft: September 2014, Cmdr A. McKeon
Second Draft: December, 2014, Cmdr A. McKeon & LtCmdr I. Valenar
Third Draft: December 2015, Cmdr A McKeon

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