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Awards for Midnight on the Firing Line

Posted on Sat Oct 10th, 2015 @ 9:23pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

Greets mighty crew of the Endeavour! As promised, there are a number of awards to hand out to everyone as we wind down and end the plot Midnight on the Firing Line. I'll get the awards added to everyone's bios here in a few minutes, and I'll finish the final plot log either today or tomorrow and get us started on the next mission plot. But for now, here's a list of the awards:

LtJG Daniel Holland

Starfleet Commendation
McNeill Citation
Captains Merit Award

Lt Akira-Ri Sato

Non Player Character
Starfleet Commendation
Dorn Citation
Starfleet Ribbon of Merit

Ens Natsume Ayuhara

Captain's Honor
Kragite Citation

Lt Jera'turak Ros

Technical Citation
Starfleet Commendation

Lt Corrigan Landon

Solace Citation
Starfleet Ribbon of Merit

Cdt Elanawen Valenar

Spiner Citation


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