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Crew Awards for The Rules of Acquisition

Posted on Sat Mar 12th, 2016 @ 5:27pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

Good morning everyone! As was promised, below is a list of crew awards that will be added to everyone’s character as soon as possible. Congratulations to everyone who received an award, and let’s keep up the good work in the next mission.

Lt Jera Ros

Technical Citation
For an outstanding description of the problems engineers would face in trying to get a 100 year old starship operational again

Meritorious Service Medal
Awarded to all characters who took part in the away team mission during The Rules of Acquisition. This award is given out for the outstanding job the away team members did in writing out realistic and detailed actions of their characters throughout the mission.

Ens Kev Walker

Technical Citation
For an outstanding description of the problems engineers would face in trying to get a 100 year old starship operational again

Meritorious Service Medal
Awarded to all characters who took part in the away team mission during The Rules of Acquisition. This award is given out for the outstanding job the away team members did in writing out realistic and detailed actions of their characters throughout the mission.

Improvement Award
For improved performance as a member of the sim

Ens Fe'cia Niatra

Nimoy Citation
For coming up with the idea of creating a starship sonar

Distinguished Newcomer Award
Fe'cia jumped into the middle of the mission and managed to contribute a really great idea that helped the crew out in concluding the mission

LtJG Elanawen Valenar

McNeill Citation
For managing to successfully pilot the USS Carolina out of danger

Starfleet Commendation
For coming up with a creative way to boost the Carolina's speed in order to escape enemy ships

Meritorious Service Medal
Awarded to all characters who took part in the away team mission during The Rules of Acquisition. This award is given out for the outstanding job the away team members did in writing out realistic and detailed actions of their characters throughout the mission.


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