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2018 Sim Report and CO Statement

Posted on Thu Jul 5th, 2018 @ 2:38pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

Greetings great crew of the Endeavour,

As reminded by our very own first officer, it's time for one of these to be sent out. I know we've slowed down a bit this year, and I do take part of the blame as I've been dealing with some real life stuff that's taken a lot of my attention and left me drained to the point that I don't have the energy to devote fully to my sims. Now that the majority of the stuff is behind me, hopefully, I'm going to try to address that. So hopefully we'll see more activity across the board and in doing so raise our stats.

On a serious note, Ensign Matt Connor has been removed from the sim. We'll be writing his character off of the sim soon, and hopefully we'll be able to recruit one or two people to bump our numbers up. If you know someone who might fit in with our level of creative insanity, feel free to point them our way.

One final note before I wrap this up. Please email me your nominations for the Crew's Choice Award by June 20. That gives me time to go through and pick the winner in time for my report to Fleet Command. I will also doing crew awards this month so be sure to be looking for them in another announcement as well.

As always if there are any questions or ideas, feel free to email me or Commander DeiSilvisi.


Captain Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
Task Group Commander, TG 23-2
Task Group 23/Theta Fleet


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