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End of plot announcements and news

Posted on Sun May 17th, 2015 @ 10:32pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

Greets everyone!

As we come to the end of the plot, there are a few announcements to make in terms of changes to the roster, promotions, crew awards and general information. First, Ally will be stepping down from AXO and taking over as chief security/tactical. In doing this, she will be changing characters from LtCmdr Innovindil Valenar to Lt Akira Sato. In her absence, Francis (Lt Isabella Silvisi) will be stepping up to the position of XO. Other changes to the roster will take place over the next few weeks and will be announced either OOC or in character. We also welcome Colt (Ens S'louk) and Wade (LtJG John Daniels) who will be taking on science and medical. Be sure to welcome them aboard and grab them for a joint post or two.

Now, on to the darker side of things for a quick minute. If you don't email or message the command team (either CO or XO) and request an LOA or check in or post in a time period of one month, you will be placed on probation and possibly dropped from the roster. I try to be as fair as possible but I do need to hear from everyone every month, so if you can't post, email or message me.

And finally, the promotions and awards!

Cmdr Alistar McKeon

Longevity Ribbon
Recruitment Ribbon
Commissioning Ribbon

Lt Isabella deiSilvisi

Longevity Ribbon
Advancement Award
Starfleet Cross for Merit
Commissioning Ribbon
Crew Appreciation Ribbon

Lt Akira Sato

Longevity Ribbon
Atlas Cross for Service
Commissioning Ribbon
Crew Appreciation Ribbon

Cwm Sizb

Longevity Ribbon
Commissioning Ribbon
Crew Appreciation Ribbon

Ens Kev Walker

Longevity Ribbon
Technical Citation
Commissioning Ribbon
Crew Appreciation Ribbon

PO1 Jeraturak Ros

Longevity Ribbon
Technical Citation
Commissioning Ribbon
Crew Appreciation Ribbon

Ens SLouk

Commissioning Ribbon
Crew Appreciation Ribbon

LtJG John Daniels

Crew Appreciation Ribbon
Starfleet Ribbon of Merit


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