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241510.19 CO Personal duty log Cmdr McKeon

Posted on Tue Oct 20th, 2015 @ 6:01am by Captain Alistar McKeon

405 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Alistar stood in the stellar cartography bay and stared at the star chart displayed on the main screen. It was focused on the region between the Federation and Ferengi borders, where there were uncharted star systems and a number of Nebula clouds just waiting to be under the gaze of a star ships sensors. It was also an area of concern. DS5s remote location and lack of support ships and the events of the past decade meant that few if any star ships had been in the area to do any good as far as exploration. With the losses that Starfleet had suffered during the Dominion War, there were few ships to even patrol the border regions. There were the occasional monthly patrols from the few star bases that were near the region, but nothing consecutive.

Even now, the Endeavour would only be passing through the area, stopping long enough to take a quick look here and there at anything interesting before moving on. That was fine with Alistar, but he was concerned about the possibilities of dangers such as pirates and hostile colonists who had been mostly left on their own during the Dominion War. Several had withdrawn from the Federation and become independent planetary states as a result, and even years later there were many who were openly hostile towards Starfleet. Another problem was the Ferengi. Alistar didn't just hate the Ferengi, but he sure as hell didn't trust them. There were a few good decent Ferengi that he had met, but there were plenty more that would gladly sell the clothes on his back to him if they thought they could make a profit and get away with it.

"Computer, deactivate screen," Alistar said. The screen blackened and Alistar nodded absently to himself. He didn't doubt the Endeavour's ability to survive anything that came the ships way, the recent battle that the Endeavour had fought and survived and won was proof enough of that. But Alistar knew that his crew was hoping to avoid another fight for a while. Alistar was among them. Having fought the Dominion War and numerous battles since the war, he was ready for a change of pace. There would always be times where a fight was unavoidable, but that was expected. As he turned and headed out of stellar cartography, Alistar silently hoped that the Endeavour was heading to a nice quiet and boring patrol mission.


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