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Resignation Considerations

Posted on Mon Mar 20th, 2017 @ 7:13pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Civilian Specialist Kaylyn Wolfe

913 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Transitions

Alistar stood in his ready room and stared out the large view port. The Endeavour had finally been released from the dry dock and moved to a general shipyard for her final repairs and fitting out, which was scheduled for up to at least one more month. It was entirely possible for McKeon to take his ship out and about for flight and systems trials and a shakedown cruise if he so desired, but for right now it wouldn’t be a great idea without a good reason. The majority of his crew was still being assigned, not to mention that his entire science staff, the Endeavour’s first officer, and one of the senior ranking helmsmen had all been assigned to a survey mission almost ten light years away. Simply put, he was limited in what he could do with his ship and he wasn’t sure if he liked the idea. Which was why he was standing there staring at the stars that would soon be his to roam with his ship and crew.

Kaylyn was nervous as she walked through the corridors on her way to the commanding officer’s ready room. She had been wrestling with an important decision that she had been hesitant to speak to anyone about, mostly because she herself wasn’t sure what to do. As the first officer was gone on an extended away mission, it only left her talking to the commanding officer in hopes that she would be able to find a solution to her dilemma. Arriving at the ready room door, Kaylyn tapped the door chime and waited.

“Enter,” Alistar called automatically. It was a reflex habit that he wasn’t happy about, but it had developed in the more recent weeks with all of the repairs and upgrades that were being done to his ship. It was one reason he had taken to living full time on the Endeavour.

Kaylyn walked into the ready room and looked around, frowning slightly when she noticed the captain standing on the raised level of the room. “Sir? I can come back if this isn’t a good time,” she said.

Alistar turned and waved for the cadet to come in and sit down as he walked over to his desk. “No, it’s ok Cadet. I was just having one of those moments where I was wishing the repairs were done so we can get out there and try to fit back in again,” he said. Sitting down, he leaned back in his chair. “So, what can I help you with, Miss Wolfe?”

“I’ve been considering resigning from Starfleet,” Kaylyn said slowly. “But, I don’t know where I would go if I left, since the Endeavour is all I have now. It’s the only thing I know. My home on Earth doesn’t even exist here, and I don’t think I would be comfortable anywhere else.”

“Why do you want to resign?” Alistar asked.

“I just feel that Starfleet isn’t for me anymore. At one time I did, but recently, I feel that I could enjoy life more as a civilian here in this timeline. This Starfleet just feels different to me. I still love engineering, and I was thinking about working as an engineer somewhere, I just don’t know where I could go. It’s part of the problem,” Kaylyn answered.

“Hmm, it’s definitely a catch twenty two. But, I might have a solution that would work out for everyone,” Alistar said as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

“What would that be, Sir?” Kaylyn asked.

“This Starfleet has a special consideration clause in the authority powers of star ship commanding officers regarding some special circumstances, to which this would definitely cover. There is also a civilian specialist position that I could authorize on board the Endeavour. Basically, you would be a civilian field specialist who is granted authorization to work in your desired field here on board the Endeavour at my request. Granted, you’re required to wear a uniform while you’re ‘at work’, but in all respects you would be a civilian contractor. I’m sure Lieutenant Ros would love to keep you on, even as a civilian,” Alistar said as he nodded thoughtfully.

“You mean, it would be possible for me to resign and stay on the Endeavour while working in the engineering department?” Kaylyn asked her face lighting up at the possibility.

“If you wanted to. I’d like to keep you on the Endeavour as well. You’re familiar with our systems, and you’re family,” Alistar said.

“I don’t know how to say thank you, Captain,” Kaylyn said, smiling with relief.

“Say it by staying on board the ship, even if it’s as a civilian,” Alistar said.

“I will,” Kaylyn promised.

“I’ll authorize your resignation and get the paperwork started for your civilian contract. I’m sure we can let you keep your current quarters, so we won’t have to make you move. I’m glad we can keep you on board, Miss Wolfe,” Alistar said.

“I am too. Thank you, Captain,” Kaylyn said as she stood. Giving the captain a thankful nod and a smile, she turned and walked out of the ready room feeling better than she had expected.

Alistar watched the former cadet leave his office before he sighed and rubbed his eyes. Silently, he wondered what fresh disaster would occur next.


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