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24150203 CO Duty log PII

Posted on Wed Feb 4th, 2015 @ 12:02am by Captain Alistar McKeon

532 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

The screen blacked out and was replaced with the Federation logo before it turned itself off. Alistar leaned back in his chair thoughtfully. He had been wondering why his orders for the Endeavour's shakedown cruise had been so specific. Barring an emergency, the Endeavour had been ordered to remain within visual range of the Alteran Expanse for the duration of her shakedown. Now he knew the reason why. Thinking over the conversation with Admiral Greer, Alistar frowned again and reached out to touch the comm controls.

"McKeon to bridge. Get me a secured transmission to the USS Eclipse, attention LtCommander Kia, priority signal," Alistar said. After a few moments, the screen lit up with the image of a human male with long hair wearing a Starfleet sec/tac uniform and a Klingon baldric.

"McKeon?" LtCommander Jon Kia blinked.

"Jon, what can you tell me about a chancellor Kurvagh?"

"He is the patron of the House of Kurvagh, a high council member, not really held in as high favor as he once was," Kia answered with a moments hesitation. "His House was investigated last year for possible involvement with illegal military research. Nothing was ever found, but he was caught diverting funds to a secret shipyard that he had been using to build his own private fleet. Since the funds were of his own House and he claimed that the shipyard was to be publicly announced and turned over to the KDF, nothing was done other than a slap on the wrist. But everyone knows he was building his own personal fleet."

"I thought Houses couldn't have standing military forces that weren't a part of the KDF," Alistar said.

"It depends," Jon said. "The forces have to be at the disposal of the KDF and must swear loyalty first to the Empire and second to a House. But Klingon law is hard to read on the matter so there's a large dark grey area there. Why? What's Kurvagh done now?"

"I'm not sure. I just know that the Endeavour is earmarked for assignment in Romulan territory and Kurvagh is trying to preach the Klingons into launching a conquest strike."

"Al, there's a problem with that situation," Jon said unhappily. "If Kurvagh sends in his ships to attack the Romulans and those ships come under fire, the entire Klingon fleet will respond with an aggressive push into Romulan space for retribution. It'll be war. By the time someone figures out what really happened and the truth behind it all, it'll be too late. Kurvagh's forces can't be allowed to enter Romulan space."

"Would Kurvagh's forces fire on Federation ships if we're present?" Alistar asked.

"If you stood in the way of what he wanted he wouldn't hesitate," Jon said.

Alistar nodded. "Get me all the information on Kurvagh and his forces that you can Jon, I may need it in a few weeks."

"Will do. And Alistar, watch your back," Jon said.

"Qapla," Alistar said before the screen went blank as he killed the transmission. Rubbing his eyes, Alistar grumbled and stood. It was times like this that he was glad there was a bar on the Endeavour.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


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