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A Little Fine Tuning

Posted on Fri Oct 12th, 2018 @ 12:28am by Civilian Specialist Kaylyn Wolfe & Lieutenant T'lon & Ensign Sarleya D'Nal'khiy

561 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori

T'lon hadn't expected to receive a request from the science department to make calibration adjustments to one of the lateral sensor platforms, but the request had been received and he had arrived at the specific location early. In his experience, humans were rarely early and more often than not just slightly late, but he had overcome worse situations. Standing beside the access hatch, the Vulcan waited patiently. 

Kaylyn yawned as she headed to the location of her first work order of the day. Being a civilian specialist instead of a member of Starfleet had turned out to be a much more enjoyable profession than she had hoped for. It helped that she had managed to remain with the Endeavour, even more since she knew the ship, it's systems and even most of the crew. Which helped her out when she arrived at the access panel she needed to open to perform her work and found the chief operations officer standing there. "Hey T'lon, waiting for a hot date or are you just bored?"

"Neither, Miss Wolfe. I am waiting for a member of the science department to assist in working on a sensor platform," T'lon said as he raised an eyebrow. 

"Sorry I'm late," Sarleya said as she hurried to join the two. The Orion woman was just slightly out of breath since she had just ran across the width of the ship. "I was told to check the settings on the of the port side sensors and then told that you were waiting to work on the starboard sensors."

"That would indicate that your department head did a poor job in planning basic work orders," T'lon said. 

"You know that the chief science officer is also the first officer?" Kaylyn asked as she gave T'lon a strange look. 

"It's not her fault," Sarleya said. "The port side sensor check was just added twenty minutes ago when engineering finished some kind of work on them. They had to be checked before we could tie them back into the network."

"Indeed," T'lon said. "And what work dis engineering have to do?"

"I remember that order," Kaylyn said. "We had to repair the hull along that sensor platform and reseal the array support panel. Lieutenant Ros was concerned about damaging the sensor heads when we welded the suite back up."

"I see," T'lon said. "In that case, I would prefer to get this over with as quickly as possible."

"Do we need all three of us to be present for a little fine tuning check?" Sarleya asked. 

"Engineering has concerns about micro hull fractures along any stress points in the hull. There might be some weak areas around the sensors due to the fact that we've had to make repairs on top of repairs lately. Im here mostly as a precaution," Kaylyn said. 

"Indeed. I am hoping that we can proceed without errors and put the ship in for overhaul repair work soon," T'lon said. 

"Well, shall we?" Sarleya asked as she indicated to the sealed access hatch. 

"Indeed. Let us be about our work," T'lon said. 

"Alrighty then," Kaylyn said as she headed over to the hatch controls. Entering her engineering codes, she opened the hatch. It was starting to look line it might be a long day. 

Ensign Sarleya D'Nal'khiy
Science Officer 

Lieutenant T'lon
Chief ops

CS Kaylyn Wolfe
Engineering Specialist


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