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Arrival at Baham

Posted on Fri Oct 26th, 2018 @ 8:56am by Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant JG Zoe Ellija

820 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori

Alistar sat in his seat on the bridge and watched the view screen like a hawk as the Endeavour slid into the Baham System. The planet Baham itself was a tiny planet, similar to the Ferengi home world for the most part. The majority of the planet was covered in swampy jungle with small polar ice caps at the polar regions. The rest of the planets in the system were uninhabited, used for mining and smuggling. Sensors showed that there were no other starfleet ship's in the system, though a pair of Roddenberry class freighters orbited the planet. No less than three Ferengi Marauder class ship's also hovered nearby, no doubt keeping an eye on the trade going on throughout the system. The Endeavour slid easily into orbit of Baham, looking out of place among the dozens of privateer cruisers and freighters. Somewhere down there were the answers McKeon and his crew were there to get. 

"Standard orbit achieved, Captain," Zoe reported from the helm. She tried not to show just how nervous she was, but she also reflected that she was getting better since she had first come on board the Endeavour.

"Keep both the impulse and warp engines on full stand by," Alistar ordered. Turning, he nodded. "Science, ops, begin a full planetary scan. Commander Sato, compare the readings with the data we got from the Raptor."

Akira nodded as she typed in a command and brought up the data that they had recovered from the crippled Romulan war bird. On the same screen, she split the view and displayed the data from the sensor scan. 

Isabella sat at the science station and nodded as she entered the commands to begin a multi frequency scan. It would take some time to complete such a scan, but she was certain that the Endeavour wasn't going anywhere any time soon. Normally, one of the science officers would have handled this simple duty, but Isabella had become personally involved in the rescue of their missing crew. Like the captain, she desired to see their crew-mates returned and justice delivered to the criminals. She had to admit that it was odd just how similar she had become to the captain and other senior officers when it came to certain things, but at the same time she could see no other recourse. "Beginning scans," she reported. 

"Confirmed," T'lon reported operations. "Captain, a full scan of the planet to search out specific life sign patterns will take at least twenty four hours. If I may make a suggestion, it would be advisable to send a team to the planet surface."

"That might not be a bad idea, sir," Jera said from the bridge engineering station. "There's a lot of suspicion to be drawn if we just sit here and then leave."

"At this point, if our quarry is out there, them they already know who we are and why we're here," Alistar said. "But it wouldn't be a bad idea to go down and sniff around, maybe see what we can dig up on our own. It might even be quicker than the scans."

"We'll probably need latinum, and lots of it," Jera said. "It'll most likely take twenty strips just to bribe the first official we see."

"Ferengi," Akira muttered under her breath as she poured over information in the computer on Baham. "Sir, there is a credit exchange that is listed under the business listings at the primary space port. We could exchange Federation credits for latinum there."

"Alright. T'lon, Ros, you're with me. Sato, have Reynolds meet us in transporter room one. Silvisi, you'll have the ship. Keep a transporter lock on us at all times," Alistar said as he stood. 

"I'll make sure that we have a transporter lock on you at all times. Just do me a favor and try not to start an intergalactic incident while you're down there, Captain," Isabella said as she stood and started towards the command chair. 

"Oh no, I want to deal with only one major problem at a time," Alistar said. "At any rate, beam us out the first moment you sense trouble, either from the ground or up here."

"Understood," Isabella said as she sat down in the command chair. She could never get used to sitting in the captain's chair, and as comfortable as the seat was she was never at ease when she sat down in it. 

Akira silently keyed a message to security, tapping her fingers as she did so. Being left behind and having someone else do her job didn't set too well with her, but she knew why. Taking Ros would be dangerous enough, specially on a Ferengi controlled world, but Ros clearly had experience in these situations. It was bound to be interesting for everyone over the next few hours and Akira silently hoped that things didn't escalate downhill any time soon. 

To be continued


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