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To Kill A Starship (part 2)

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2019 @ 12:57am by Brex & Grace Winters PhD

1,219 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition
Location: Inti Colony


With a thin dangerous grin Brex produced another padd and activated it before handing it to her. "I have acquired a number of cluster phaser mines that Starfleet made during the Dominion War. While illegal now, they were rather useful in taking out starships. You'll need a large heavy cargo vessel, I'm sure someone in your line of work has one, and of course the access codes to the orbital storage container where I keep them. For an Intrepid class ship, I'd recommend a least nine but I have several more if you want them. You'll have to place them in a contained area and lure the Endeavour there, then detonate the mines. If the Endeavour survives, the ship will be too crippled to call for help or make it back on its own power. I want the ship, her captain and his crew to die slowly in the cold depths of space. And of course, I'll want the sensor data recordings after the deed is done," he finished with a cold smile.


"If you have the money for all this, why not do it yourself," she asked, looking over the information. Then she added, "Those mines will be detected," she didn't sugar-coat her opinion. It's sloppy. Why leave evidence that will trace back to you?"

"I have the money to fun such an operation, I don't have the ships to carry it out," Brex growled, hating to speak the words. He hid his snarling expression behind a drink, managing to calm down before continueing. "Also, these mines have been refitted with something that will give us the advantage. I've had them fitted with phase cloaking devices, good for a single use and so far virtually undetectable."

"So why not buy your own ship? Why not be the one to push the button?" she asked. "This is revenge, so why not be the one to carry it out?"

Brex raised his eyebrows and leaned back in his chair. He wasn't entirely surprised by the question, but he hadn't wanted to answer it either. "First and foremost, I'm rather picky when it comes to ship selection. The ship I considered to be my most prized vessel wasn't easy to come by, and thanks to the Endeavour it'll be twice as hard to obtain another warbird then it was before. There is also the fact that I don't know this region of space very well, and you do. That gives you an added advantage I lack in this scenerio."

"I do know this region of space. And I know there's another group trying to make a name for itself in our little sector. They've killed the crew of two ships so far, leaving them derelict. Much more odd behavior is going to bring Starfleet to investigate. Anything even remotely close to the Tiuanaco system will raise flags. Now, if you're willing to look at a more subtle approach, where it looks like an accident, I can help. If you want it your way, I'll set you up with this other group."

"And what do you have in mind?" Brex asked. He had indeed heard of the other group she more than likely referred to and he knew that they simply wouldn't do. To start with, he was certain that they wouldn't stay to the plan and make things too messy for his taste.

"A cascading system failure." She shrugged. "Or something that appears to be a spatial anomaly."

Brex felt a small growl form at the back of his throat and he managed to hide it mostly. Leaning back in his chair, he finished his tea and set the glass down, covering the glass so the waiter wouldn't refill it. "I don't suppose I would be able to rent one of your cargo ships, then?" he asked.

Scarlet smiled. "That could be arranged."

"I'd need a heavy duty cargo ship with a cargo capacity of 50 thousand metric tons. Would that be possible?" Brex asked, knowing she had at least one ship with the capacity and that it would cost him dearly.

"Yes. I can arrange for one of those."

"How much would it cost me to rent one for, say, three weeks?" Brex asked as he ran a series of calculations through his mind quickly. Three weeks would give him time to set up his trap and finish repairs to his one remaining ship. Then, all he'd have to do would be to wait. "Possibly five weeks if there was a problem, at the most," he finished.

She named a price that was 75% of what it would cost her to buy one new. She was fairly certain it would need repairs, if not a total replacement.

Brex raised his eyebrows and gave the woman a knowing smile as he pretended to think it over. He finally nodded. "How would you prefer payment?" he finally asked.

She had more latinum than she knew what to do with. "What do you have to offer?"

Brex sighed mentally and offered the woman a shrug. "Name your price," he said, feigning a growl.

She laughed. She named a price that was 75% of the cost of the freighter, and then she added a shipment of dilithium crystals. If he really wanted this, he'd pay.

Brex raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes. Dilithium was becoming a bit more of a problem to acquire lately, it wasn't impossible but it wasn't easy either. "How big of a shipment?" he asked.

Without batting an eye, she told him. It wasn't too large an amount, but it would mean she didn't have to buy any for the next couple of years.

"How about half of that and the equipment needed to recrystallize it?" Brex countered.

She thought about that for a moment. "Done. But I verify delivery before you get anything." She'd done her research before coming here. She didn't trust him with a sterile tribble.

"Of course, and naturally," he said. "So, do we have a deal?"

"We have a deal."

"Good," Brex said coldly and with a thin smile. "I assume you will want delivery of the payment first?"

"Of course." She smiled coolly. "At your earlist convenience. Delivery will be immediately after I confirm the payment."

"Very well. I assume you'll want a secure location planet side somewhere remote and out of sight?" Brex asked.

"No. I want it somewhere remote, yes. But not on a planet. It'll be someplace we can both check out before making the exchange. Somewhere we won't be noticed coming or going."

"And where did you have in mind?" Brex asked.

"The Wiracocha nebula," she said. "I'll let you know when."

"Very well," Brex said with a thin smile. "It'll have to be soon. I have other arraignments that have to be taken care of before my plan can go forward from this point."

"Of course. You'll get a message from me within a fortnight with the details," Scarlet said.

"Perfect," Brex said as he stood and gathered his bags. "That will fit in with my plans perfectly. Until then, I will bid you good day."

"Good day," Scarlet said. She let him leave first, waiting for one of her crew to tell her when he was gone and she could safely leave.


Lady Scarlet



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