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A Pack of Two

Posted on Mon Mar 30th, 2020 @ 12:52am by Lieutenant Katan

852 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Distant Shores
Location: Shuttle Bay


The door to the shuttle's back ramp opened as several new crewmen, and women, began to depart. One remained on board, gathering his throats, looking at a PADD in his hand. It was filled with the usual information provided to a transferring officer into a Department Head position. Codes. Schematics. Manifest for both handheld and ships weapons. Everything a new Chief of Security and Tactical requires to begin their job before they change things to suit their style. Katan only saw a few things, because everything else seemed to be satisfactory until it required changing. For a brief moment, something specific caught his eyes, until his concentration was broken by a voice.

"Sir?" The shuttle pilot said, trying to get the Klingon's attention. "We're here. You can depart now."

The Klingon looked up, a stern look on his face, before placing the PADD in his bag and standing up. He said nothing, only nodded, before putting the strap of his bag over his shoulder. He began to walk out until the pilot called out again.

"Umm... Sir?" He said in almost a hesitant tone. "Your pet."

Katan stopped his place, a slight groan escaped his lips, before turning around to face the shuttle pilot. He spoke in a deep voice which gave an impression he was humorless and cold. "She is not my pet." He eyed the pilot before continuing. "That would imply I command her and treat her as an inferior. Valkris does as she pleases." He raised a brow, tilting his head slightly, before concluding with. "You may ask her to accompany me... should you feel she will listen and not attack you for bothering her."

The shuttle pilot looked down at the large white wolf that lay comfortably on the floor of the craft. She was relaxed, her eyes closed, her side slowly lifted and dropped with each breath. While there was a need to wake her up, doing so was never a good idea for an animal in such a state.

"Go on..." Katan raised his voice slightly. "Perhaps, for you, today will not be a good day to die."

He looked over to the Lieutenant before focusing back on the large animal. The pilot hesitated slightly before extending his hand towards it. As his fingers got closer and closer, his body lowering to the ground to reach the wolf, he heard a growl beginning to form. The man soon stopped, before swallowing hard, and continuing. The growl only got louder, until suddenly, the animals eye opened. It darted back and forth until focusing on the pilot.

The Klingon couldn't help but smirk, knowing what would come next.

The shuttle pilot crouched some more, leaning forward a bit, as his eased his hand closer to the wolf. Moment's before touching her white fur coat, he was startled at her shifting her weight to stand up on all fours. The man fell down onto his hands and knees, his heart racing, but the sudden movement.

Valkris let out a yawn, opening her mouth wide, showing her sharp teeth. There was a slight pause in her moment, as she sniffed the scents around her, until finally shifting her gaze to the pilot. The wolf stared at him, before walking away towards Katan who stood there laughing deeply.

As the wolf walked passed him, Katan said with a smile. "You did that on purpose, didn't you, Valkris?" He shook his head as he followed her out. The smiled on his face remained slightly, until changing to a bit of a smirk.

They two reached the shuttle bay doors, and walked through them, stepping out into the corridor. Katan stopped, reaching into his bag for his PADD, to look through it for their room assignment. It didn't take long until he found what deck, side, and which room number it was. He knew it was big enough for the both of them, but his primary concern was if anyone on that deck would mind Valkris walking around in the corridors unsupervised. Of course she was free to make her own choices, but she was also properly trained and was smart enough to know friend from foe. At first, she may appeared intimidating, but she was far friendly then Katan.

Once he got his bearing, Katan proceeded to the nearest turbolift. His first order was to unpack. His second was to introduce himself to the Command Staff. Katan was fine with the first, since he didn't have much to unload, however he always hated the latter. Meeting new people. Socializing. Repeating the same answers to the same questions. It was tiresome, however it was required for anyone new on the ship in his position. His only concern, and request, was for Valkris. She was more than just a friend. She was family and she assisted him in his duties from time to time. Val's natural, and trained, skills came in handy in certain situations and he would hate to lose such a valuable asset.


Lieutenant Katan
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


White Wolf [NPC]


Shuttle Pilot [NPC]


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