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Getting Operations In Order

Posted on Sun Feb 9th, 2025 @ 12:04pm by Lieutenant Keira Heartly & Lieutenant JG Kimora Reeves

752 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Relics of War
Location: Operations Department

Ltjg. Kimora Reeves had finished settling into her quarters and exited. A few hours prior, she arrived on the ship with the influx of new personnel the Endevour had taken on. After spending the last two months on a temporary assignment at Utopia Planetia, she was excited to finally receive something permanent and get back out there.

Upon arriving earlier Kimora couldn't help but notice the extremely noticeable amount of Cadets coming onboard. That was something that she definitely had questions about. Upon arriving the Operations Officer, she pressed the chime to see the Lieutenant.

Following the senior officer briefing, Keira had taken a few minutes to stop by the operations office to get acquainted with her new department. The Endeavour had a large crew, which meant larger departments and more officers for department heads to manage. She was sure she could manage, but she had to admit that there were reservations that drifted through the back of her mind from time to time. She had finally sorted the Padds on her desk and was about to start going through them when the door chime rang out. Glancing up, Keira called "Enter" before sitting down behind her desk.

The door opened and the young woman entered the room with PADD in her hand. "Lieutenant Reeves reporting for duty."

Keira gave the young lieutenant a smile. "Please have a seat," she said. "What was your last posting?"

"The Lexington," Kimora answered. "A good ship, but unfortunately was lost."

Keira frowned for a brief moment as she tried to recall the ship in question, but she came up short. Her last assignment had been on board the USS Zephyr, which had only just returned form a deep space mission before Keira had been transferred to the Endeavour. Lexington was a common enough name, and she was sure that there would be another ship to bear the name soon. With a nod, she leaned forward in her chair. "Well, I'm going to be honest, I've never served onboard a Sovereign class before, and the Endeavour is a brand new ship. Which means that we're going to be spending this entire mission hoping that the shipyard crew worked out all the gremlins that might be hiding somewhere. We're also going to be saddled with a bunch of cadets to fill out the crew roster, which means we're going to be training them while we're working on the ship's systems. And I believe we have bio-neural systems on board as well, which I have to admit I dislike. So, the next few weeks are going to be rather interesting for everyone," she said.

Kimora briefly had flash backs to being a cadet. Which was only a few years ago. "Do we know if the cadets on board will be permanent or just for the current mission?"

Keira shrugged. "If I can be quite honest, there is seriously no telling if the powers that be at Starfleet Command have even thought that far enough ahead to even be able to guess at an answer," she said. "And I certainly have no idea. I'm going to assume that they will be with us for a while."

"Aright then. So how do want to handle things with them? These Cadets are about to grow up real quick,"

With a nod, Keira rubbed her temples for a moment while she thought. "I'm only going to worry about the ones assigned to operations," she finally said. "And that only brings the number down to forty two cadets. For now, I want them to run maintenance checks and diagnostics on all systems. That should keep them busy for a week or two. They are not to engage in any repair work unless they have an officer with them. The last thing I need is for something to be nonoperational because some cadet and have to report it to the captain."

Reeves nodded as she took the mental note. "I'll have them get to it and soon as they're all settled in. Anything you need from me?"

Keira shook her head. "For now, get the cadets settled in and working on something and then I need you to get familiar with the ship and the onboard systems," she replied. "Once we launch we'll start terrorizing the cadets. I've got to get familiar with some of the new systems and then get to the bridge. I'll check in with you later."

"Yes ma'am."

Ltjg. Kimora Reeves
Operations Officer
USS Endeavour

Lt Keira Heartly
Chief Operations


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