A Few Quiet Thoughts
Posted on Sun Feb 2nd, 2025 @ 4:19pm by Captain Alistar McKeon
410 words; about a 2 minute read
Mission: Relics of War
Alistar sat in his ready room, leaned back with his chair facing the view port. The stars streaked by as the Endeavour raced along at warp 9, hurrying towards whatever horrible facts were waiting to be discovered at Starbase 11. The facts that he already knew didn't give him any comfort. The Federation president had been killed, along with the crews of ten Starfleet ships. The list of suspects was open to all, but he knew within reason that the number who could have actually carried out such an attack was small. His ship was brand new, untested, along with almost half of his crew who were actually cadets who had no idea what they were doing half of the time. That single thought was enough to worry any captain, but the added unknowns that his ship was facing only increased his concern.
With a sigh, he finally turned towards his desk and tapped the controls on his desk. "Computer, begin recording," he said. Waiting for the chirp of the computer, he sighed.
"Captain's log, Stardate 242502.02. Endeavour has been assigned to investigate the destruction of the USS Federation and her escorts. I was hoping for a nice quiet shakedown cruise, maybe a patrol cruise along some boarder region where nothing ever happens but it seems that the new Endeavour will be thrown to the wolves and face trial by fire, the same as my previous command. Starbase 11 remains on lock down and the Federation has increased security along all it's borders. Internal security measures are being increased as well, but Starfleet simply doesn't have the ships to be everywhere. Whatever truth we find during this investigation, I'm concerned that it's not going to be a pleasant one. I just hope that we're ready for it."
Alistar leaned back in his chair again and rubbed his eyes. Glancing at the time, he blinked. It had been almost 20 hours since he had been called to Starfleet Command to receive the news that was just now being released about the president's death. He had finally shook off the mind numbing shock of the news, and he hoped that the crew had as well.
Deciding that it would be a good idea to get some sleep, he stood. "Computer, end log. Save and exit," he said before heading towards the door. He needed to take a shower and some food before he attempted a nap, and hopefully there wasn't an emergency about to interrupt those plans.