
241412.02 CO Duty/Arrival Log- Cmdr Alistar McKeon

Posted on Tue Dec 2nd, 2014 @ 10:57pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

871 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Starfleet Command Headquarters Building, San Francisco

Alistar stood by the lobby window and looked out across the sprawling compound that housed Starfleet Command. The three buildings sat on the edge of the bay, near the Southside of the Golden Gate Bridge, and the main administrative building offered a nice view of both the bay and the Pacific Ocean, which made the wait a little more bearable. Although Captain Reynolds had told Alistar that a command was already waiting for him when he had left the Defiance, Alistar was still a little nervous and doubtful. With the recent budget cuts and change back to a purely exploratory fleet, Starfleet had passed a number of officers who had applied for command, some with more credentials than Alistar had.

The doors to the Admiral's office opened and the yeoman, a tall Vulcan male wearing the rank of a chief warrant officer, turned his stony gaze towards Alistar. "The admiral will see you now, Commander McKeon."

Alistar nodded and walked into the office, bracing to attention halfway into the room. "Commander Alistar McKeon reporting as instructed, Sir," he said.

Admiral William Blake Ross looked up from the padd he had been reading and waved Alistar towards one of the chairs that sat before his desk. Crossing the office, Alistar sat down and leaned back in the chair as Ross leaned back in his own chair.

"You've had an interesting career, Lieutenant Commander," the admiral said. "Two years on the Aylwin that have some really encouraging remarks about you from Commander Burke and Captain Cerywyn, then a number of charges issued by a Lieutenant T'Rul followed by an interesting letter of transfer by Captain Williams while you were on the Avalon, then a promotion while you finished your RNZ tour out on the Relentless. After that, a successful tour on the Eclipse, followed by seven years on the Defiance."

The admiral paused and looked up at Alistar. "I'll be honest Commander, most officers of your rank and time in service would have been passed over for the command that I've decided to give you."

"Can I ask why I've been given the command, then, Sir?" Alistar asked.

"There are several reasons, but mostly because you've handled deep space assignments before and you've already proven that you can command a starship after you stepped up last year during Captain Reynolds’s illness," Admiral Ross said. "You've also proven that you're not afraid of a fight if it comes down to it, and for this command, that's a trait that's a plus. Granted, you're not the smartest when it comes to astrophysics, but this command required qualifying marks all across the board."

"And what exactly is this command?" Alistar asked.

"I'm giving you command of the USS Endeavour, our newest Intrepid class cruiser," Ross said with a grin as he pulled a small black box out and slid it across the desk along with a padd. "As of 0900 this morning, you're a full commander assigned to the Endeavour as commanding officer. Your transport to DS5 leaves in one hour. I've already seen to it that your belongings were placed aboard shortly after you left the Defiance."

Alistar picked up the box and opened it, eyeing the solid gold pip inside for a moment before he took it out and placed it on his collar, replacing the black pip that had been there previously. Standing, he braced to attention before he took the padd off of the desk. "With your permission, sir?"

"Dismissed," Admiral Ross said.

Deep Space 5 Shipyards

Alistar leaned forward as his shuttle eased forward towards the sleek Intrepid class cruiser that was nestled in DS5's small shipyard. The only ship in the framework style shipyard, the Endeavour looked ready to launch out of the shipyard and dart off across the stars. Having read the changes that had been incorporated in the building of the Endeavour, Alistar studied his new command with a careful eye. Other than being slightly longer and wider than other Intrepid class ships built before her, the Endeavour had been painted a slightly darker shade of grey and boasted fewer identifying markings that identified her as a Federation starship. Why that had been done hadn't been in the brief that Alistar had been given, but it didn't matter. The Endeavour was his, and Starfleet Command had placed the Endeavour under the category of 'Unclassified Explorer', which gave him as the commanding officer total control of where the Endeavour went except in cases of Priority One emergencies.

"Dock when ready," Alistar ordered the pilot, who nodded and entered in a command. Hiding a grin, Alistar took in the sight of his new command as the shuttle closed in. Very few of the assigned crew had arrived, as a team of technicians and engineers had flown the Endeavour from Utopia Planitia to DS5 to await final crew boarding. A few of the engineers had already arrived, but the majority of the crew assigned would be arriving over the next few weeks, leaving Alistar time to figure out where the Endeavour would head to when she departed. Leaning back in the seat, he allowed a small grin as he waited to board his new ship.



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