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StarDate 241412.05 Executive Officer’s Arrival Log: Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar

Posted on Fri Dec 5th, 2014 @ 7:34pm by Captain Innovindil Valenar & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

784 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Starfleet Assigned Apartments, St. Petersburg, Russia, Earth

Innovindil Valenar, Starfleet Officer and veteran of the Dominion War, clenched her teeth together and forced herself to take a deep breath before she opened the door and entered the alien world that was her teenaged daughter’s room. Elanawen had turned her bedroom in the Starfleet assigned apartment into something that looked as if it belonged in an early Twenty-first century Goth movie, complete with a coffin shaped bed that took up the windowed alcove. Black was the dominate color for everything, from the curtains that blocked any form of light or sound from entering or leaving the room to the furniture, although Innovindil had to admit that some of the furniture was actually exceptional. With her love of heavy metal music, Elanawen had also started a collection of vintage guitars that often bankrupted her allowance and drove her mother slightly mad when she saw the bill; but Elana took care of every single one and often played them, and since her grades stayed in the acceptable range and she always aid for them herself, Innovindil quickly cooled, although she often wished her daughter would find a different hobby.

At the sound of the door opening, Elanawen looked up from her desk and frowned thoughtfully as she spotted her mother. It was never a good sign when the private world that was hers was invaded by her mother, so she simply slid the book she had been reading back a few inches and raised her eyebrows as Innovindil stepped into the room. “Yes, Mother?”

“Don’t take that tone with me, young lady,” Innovindil said as she stepped across the room and sat down in the chair beside Elanawen’s desk. Glancing at the book, she hid a grimace as she read the title. Science had never been her favorite subject except in the courses of planetary science and stellar cartography, but advanced planetary and stellar dynamics was too much. Turning her attention towards Elanawen, Innovindil sighed.

“Elanawen, I’ve been transferred to another assignment, this time to a star-ship,” Innovindil said softly. “Normally, I wouldn’t accept it, but the Endeavour is to be assigned to explore deep space and . . . “

“I want my own room,” Elanawen said, interrupting her mother.

Innovindil blinked as she stared at her daughter. “What?”

“You were going to ask if I wanted to stay here with a guardian since I’m underage or go with you,” Elanawen said simply with a wisdom that seemed beyond that of a normal sixteen year old. “I want to go with you, but I want my own room.”

“Quarters,” Innovindil said with a smile. “On a starship, they’re called quarters. And I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t promise anything.”

“Alright, but what about my collection?” Elanawen asked.

Innovindil frowned at the question as she glanced around at the collection of objects that took up the entire room. There were quite a number of items that simply wouldn’t be allowed to be taken. Shaking her head, she turned back to Elanawen. “You can take a few things, but most of it will have to go into storage.”

Elanawen nodded in understanding. Innovindil smiled and stood. “We leave tomorrow afternoon, so you may want to start packing,” she said before she left the room to start packing.

Two weeks later, U.S.S. Endeavour

Innovindil had seen that Elanawen had found her quarters, which were located near her own, before seeing that her own things had arrived. The Starfleet Stewards Corp was a holdover from the earlier days of Starfleet, and their purpose in Starfleet had changed with the times, but they were still efficient in their duties. Innovindil’s belongings had already been partially unpacked, except for the more personal items, and tastefully arranged throughout her quarters. After a quick inspection, Innovindil nodded in satisfaction and rearranged a few things before she sat down at the desk and read through her orders.

At first, she had been assigned as Chief of Security and Tactical, but the latest update, which had been signed by her new Commanding Officer, had also added the position and duties of Executive Officer to her assignment. While it wasn’t unheard of, it had been unexpected and had forced Innovindil to request a new set of uniforms before she had left Earth. It also made her worry, but she pushed it aside and took a deep breath before she stood. Orders in hand, Innovindil stepped outside into the corridor and started towards the Bridge.

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Chief of Security/Tactical
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Endeavour

Elanawen Valenar
Civilian N.P.C.


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