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241412.11 Joint engineering duty log, Walker. Ros

Posted on Thu Dec 11th, 2014 @ 11:30pm by Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

732 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Engineering Joint log

Kev Walker tried to hide his excitement as he walked through the port side docking hatch and onto the Endeavour. He had requested assignment to an Intrepid class ship since he had graduated from the academy, but since they were a popular assignment throughout star fleet so there was a waiting list for potential crew aboard them. Kev had been lucky enough to be recommended for any engineering assignment in the field, so he hadn't had to wait long. Finding his way to engineering was easy enough since he had already memorized the layout of the Endeavour. It differed from the majority of Intrepid class ships due to its unique design but it was similar enough that the trip from the docking port to engineering only took ten minutes.

Walking into engineering, Kev found the CEO and reported in. The chief engineer gave Kev a grumpy lookover before assigning him as lead officer to the alpha shift support team, most of which hadn't even arrived. The lead NCO had arrived and gone straight to work, so Kev got directions and went off to find her.

Jera glared at the schematics display on the engineering padd for a moment before she blinked and shook her head. Overall, the new Intrepid class ship design was 99% better than the original design as far as engineering systems went, but the remaining 1% was a total nightmare at the moment. The Endeavour had one weakness that, from a certain point of view, was an irritation. Overall the placement of support systems was understandable, but the secondary ODN and EPS trucks had been placed right beside the water management control systems. Normally that wouldn't be a major problem, but some idiot had switched several of the labels, so the power distribution and half of the fiber optic control circuits were labeled as either hot water control or air circulation control. It was the only mistake that Jera had found in the week she had been aboard, but it was one that she didn't like. Shifting her slim body around in the Jefferies tube, Jera held the engineering padd up next to the open control panel and sighed.

Kev crawled around a corner and saw the slim young looking woman wearing the collar insignia of a petty officer. Crawling over to where she was he smiled despite the fact that he wasn't enjoying feeling through the Jefferies tubes. "Hi. You must be petty officer Ros."

Jera turned her glare towards the officer who had clumsily bumbled into her bubble of personal space and bit her tongue for a brief moment of seconds before she replied. "And you are?"

"Ensign Kev Walker, your new lead officer," Kev said with a smile. "So what are we working on?"

"We aren't working on anything," Jera snapped. "I'm working on a mistake that the shipyards made."

"The shipyards don't make mistakes," Kev said.

"Oh yes they do," Jera bit back before she explained the situation to him. When she was finished she glared at him, hoping that he would simply go away.

Kev listened as Ros explained what had happened before he turned and looked at the two open access panels. He could see the confusion since both circuit systems had been set up identically and there was no visible way to tell which system was which. "Here's what we can do," Kev said as he reached in and took a random control circuit out of one of the control boards. "We'll wait until someone calls in with a problem, and then we'll know which system is which."

Sure enough, they didn't have to wait long. Within five minutes, kev's commbadge beeped with the voice of the CEO. "Walker! We're getting reports that the hot water system is down. Fix it!!"

"You're a moron," Jera said as she snatched the circuit fuse out of the officer's hand, reset the onboard chip settings and slid it back in place. Glaring at him, she shooed Walker away from the open access panel. "I can handle it from here. You probably need to go explain why everyone lost hot water on a brand new starship."

Kev gave a sigh that indicated that the NCO was right. "Good luck," he said before he started back down the Jefferies tube and towards engineering.

Ens Kev Walker
Engineering Officer

Petty Officer 1st C Jera'turak Ros
Engineering Specialist


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