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Stardate 2401508.28 - Personal Log, Ensign Ayuhara

Posted on Fri Aug 28th, 2015 @ 9:55am by Ensign Natsume Ayuhara

928 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

“Computer, begin recording and transcribe log entry into text…”

Upon hearing a confirmation chime, Natsume commenced speaking.

“Security Officer – Ayuhara, Nastume M. – Personal Log,” she started off, “I was able to lend a hand in the torpedo room today. Honestly, I was just exploring the ship when I stumbled upon the room and gained access with my identification number. It makes sense that I would be granted access. I am a commissioned Security Officer, after all. Anywho, when I entered the torpedo room, a Petty Officer told me that they had gotten a test torpedo stuck in the launcher tube! It was pretty startling news. But I suppose that anything could happen on a starship. After going through deductions with the PO3, we ended up using a mag-lock and rope to pull the test torp out manually. It was a great challenge. I was happy to help and just glad to see everything turned out okay. I’ll be sure to check in down there again when I get a chance.”

Natsume had returned to her quarters after her meeting with Lieutenant Sato. She had stopped in for a quick meal and to prepare for her duty shift. She had just pulled out a fresh uniform and was in the middle of dressing while she made a recording in her personal log.

“I met with my department head as well today. Lieutenant Akira-Ri Sato. She was very impressive to me. She is from the same homeland as I. It made me very happy when I discovered that she was. We exchanged greetings in our native tongue as well. I haven’t spoken in too long. Perhaps we could make it a regular occurrence. Lieutenant Sato is from Miyazu. And I learned that she was been to Amanohashidate! I have always wanted to go. I remember when grandpa Hiro would tell us stories about it. If we ever make port back at Earth, she and I are going.”

Natsume fastened her uniform pants at the buckle and then pulled on her department mustard colored long sleeve shirt. She then attached her single gold pip to her collar.

“The El-Tee gave me a little insight as to our mission. She mentioned the possibility of combat encounters with the Klingons. I have never met a Klingon but I do know that I will do my absolute best in defending my position if things reach combat status. Not to mention, wrestling a Klingon is on my bucket list of opponents.” She stared in the mirror for a long moment. “I still remember that day in the UFP Tournament when I beat Imaru of Andoria and Tyrana of Tellar. It was such a blur. Then I lost in the semi-finals to T’Mala of Vulcan. She was very, very good. Interestingly enough, each one of us all went into Security. I hope to face each of them again one day.”

She grinned a gigantic grin as she reminisced on her Academy days. Natsume was on the Academy wrestling and Judo teams. The Earth team won third place that day. She looked at her wrist mounted chronometer and then produced a small comb from her pocket and began to manipulate her hair into a tight bun.

“My first assignment is already off to a glorious start. I have been assigned to the deck 5 patrol route. Sickbay will be my main concern of defense in the event that the situation becomes hostile and we are boarded. Two other crewmen will join me at sickbay. I will make sure to check in with the Chief Medical Officer to let them know that I will be there for their protection.”

Natsume completed the bun and then pulled on her uniform jacket and fastened it firmly. She then looked at herself long and hard in the mirror. She produced a stick of incense from her personal bag and lit the end of it. Gently blowing on the end of the stick to get it burning properly, she placed the stick into a flat incense holder. Placing a hand on her left upper arm, she meditated for ten seconds. Next, she turned to a small wooden carving that rested on a small coffee table. The carving was the Ayuhara family symbol; a beautiful piece of carved calligraphy. Natsume dropped her left knee to the floor first and then her right. She placed both hands on the floor in front of her, index fingers and thumbs together so that the space in between looked like a triangle. She then exhaled and lowered her forehead to the triangle and kept it there for ten seconds.

“Ayuhara no ichizoku wa, watashi ni chikara o ataemasu,” she whispered.

The computer transcribed and translated her words: Ayuhara Clan, give me strength.

Natsume then raised her head and brought her hands to her lap; one on top of each thigh. She then pushed off the floor with her lower legs and landed on the balls of her feet, elbows and knees slightly bent and hands balled into fists above her thighs. Natsume stood tall and crisp, clasp her hands at her sides and then bowed at the waist to the Ayuhara family symbol.

She checked her wrist mounted chrono once more. It was time to go.

“Computer, end recording.”

Natsume extinguished the incense for another time and went to the doorway. Her hand hovered over the door release and then she shouted: “Hajime!” and pressed the door release button, exploding out of her quarters and off to sickbay.


Ensign Natsume Ayuhara
Security/Tactical Officer


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