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Stardate 2401508.28 - Duty Log, Lieutenant Landon MD and Ensign Ayuhara

Posted on Wed Sep 2nd, 2015 @ 11:35pm by Ensign Corrigan Landon & Ensign Natsume Ayuhara

1,352 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Natsume made it to Sickbay in record time. Her quarters were also located on deck five so she only had to travel from one side of the Endeavor to the other. The PaDD that Lieutenant Sato had given her with regards to the internal layout and schematics of the Intrepid-II were totally invaluable. Natsume was pretty sure that had she not come across that information that she would have taken an eternity getting to sickbay.

The immediate vicinity appeared to be calm and under the usual starship undergoings. Natsume was about to enter the medical bay two crewmembers clad in the same gold department collar as herself approached her. Each one snapped to attention when they reached her. One was a fair skinned human male, with short brown hair. The other was an Andorian woman. They both were much taller than Natsume's 5'1" frame. Natsume estimated that the human male was a little over 6 feet tall. But the Andorian woman was taller than him; maybe she was closer to 6'4". Natsume looked to their rank insignia and realized that they were rated crewmembers instead of officers. Crewman, to be exact. That made sense, as an Intrepid-class starship only had about thirty or so officers aboard.

"Ma'm, Crewman David Summers reporting in for patrol duty," spoke the human male.

"Ma'm, Crewman Avathaamaru Sh'Jinn reporting in for patrol duty, ma'm," echoed the Andorian woman.

"Excellent, at ease," Natsume offered. "I'm Ensign Ayuhara. It is very good to meet you. For our assignment today, we will be responsible for patrolling all of deck 5. El-Tee Sato informed me that we may face Klingon trouble in the not too distant future. If that comes to pass, Sickbay will be our number one priority of defense. Any questions?"

The crewmen were silent for a moment before Amaru spoke up.

"Only one ma'm," Amaru stated.

"Go ahead."

"Summers and I took the liberty of visiting the Main Armory before we came down." Amaru pulled from behind her back a standard issue security officer belt. "Would you like one?"

Natsume grinned. "Certainly, thank you." She quickly fastened the belt around her waist and made sure it was snug. The belt's contents were a type-II phaser, which was holstered and two reserve power packs. She then nodded to each of them and they entered sickbay.

They were an odd presence in the world of medicine: an armed security team. Natsume scanned the floor for the person she thought might be the CMO but instead decided to use her voice.

"Is the Chief Medical Officer available?" she asked, to no one in particular.

"I am," said Corrigan Landon as he exited his office, a couple of padds in hand. He gave the three a once over, the weapons were a dead give away that they were security. "What can I do for you," a quick glance to the woman's collar, "ensign?"

Natsume shifted 18 degrees to the left to face the man that had emerged from the medical office. "I apologize for the interruption, Doctor. I am Ensign Ayuhara. My colleagues, "she said motioning to the pair of tall security crewmen at echelon left and right of her, " and I have been assigned to patrol this deck. I wanted to check in with you personally as sickbay has been designated our primary defensive objective if the Endeavor's situation sours."

"Well, it's good to know we have protection," Corrigan said, "just in case." The Endeavour's situation, he was pretty sure, was going to sour. Sickbay was ready to go, he was confident that they could handle anything thrown at them. "It will certainly help to have you guys around."

Natsume nodded and then considered the Chief Medical Officer. "Glad to be of service." He was actually just as tall, if not a little taller, than her security crewmen. She was once again among giants. It was certainly something for her to get used to. Back home, she was considered small but not unbelievably small. Her thoughts shifted to the possibilities of their upcoming sourness.

"Have either of you done combat with a Klingon?" Natsume asked her crewmembers.

"No ma'm," they answered in unison.

That answer left Natsume slightly uneasy. She also had never faced a Klingon in battle.

"Is there any," she began, turning to Landon, "physiological knowledge about Klingons that you could share with us to maybe give us an edge in combat?

Corrigan thought for a moment as he recalled his knowledge on Klingon physiology. "Well the first and foremost is to remember they have redundant systems. The lung capacity is much larger than most humanoids. They are strong, faster, more agile, but that is common knowledge." He took pause to give the three security officers a moment to process that information. "If you end up in hand to hand combat, aim low, their obliques," he pointed to his sides, "tend to be one of the most vulnerable areas."

The thought of facing a species in close quarters combat that faster, more nimble and stronger than humans was suddenly very daunting to Natsume. Sure, she had faced off against other humanoids that had similar attributes to Klingons. However, this was not a wrestling match or a Judo tournament. This was the real deal orange peel. As daunting as it seemed, Natsume's face grew serious with a sly smile. She welcomed the challenge.

"Aim low, their obliques," she echoed. "And we'll do our best to keep an entanglement at long range weapons distance. Our phaser setting will be based on our orders from Lieutenant Sato. A heavy stun setting would put a base-type humanoid down for 1 hour. How do you think said setting will fair against them?"

"A heavy stun will do," Corrigan said. The heavy stun feature momentarily disrupted the neuro pathways and allowed the person on the end of that shot to fall unconscious. "Klingons, fortunately, aren't immune to the effects of a heavy stun."

"Excellent," Natsume replied. "Is there anything we can help you with? Or do you any questions for me, Doctor?"

Corrigan gave a firm nod. "I know we will have you here to protect us if need be, but I want to be sure all of the sickbay staff is armed," he said. It wasn't that unusual to have that done, but he also know there were not enough phasers to go around. "If anything, to defend the patients we may have in here."

Natsume certainly understood the Doctor's concern for his patients. She was not in charge of dealing weapons to crewmembers outside of her own but she knew who did have that authority. "I will check in with the Master-at-Arms about getting some sidearms down here for your people. Never can have too many arms on hand. My team and I will move together as a unit. If Endeavor goes to red alert, we will not be far away."

"That's good to know, Ensign," Corrigan said. "Myself and my staff definitely appreciate it." Which was true, if there was going to be battle - not if really, but when - then he needed to concentrate on patients, not boarding parties.

Her mind raced with possible boarding scenarios and how to defend deck 5. If Endeavor's shields fell, the Klingons could literally appear anywhere. She calmed herself with a deep breath. "Very good, Doctor. I'll be in touch." And with that, Natsume and her security team vacated sickbay as boldly as they had entered; off to handle their preparations.

Corrigan gave a firm nod, and then turned on his own heels to head back into his office. Though sickbay was prepared, he still wanted to double check. He felt better knowing that if the Endeavour was boarded, sickbay would be protected, at least that was his hope. It still meant one last thing to think about, especially since his focus had to be on the wounded. Now they all just waited for the inevitable, and sometimes the waiting was the hardest part.


Lieutenant Corrigan Landon, MD
Chief Medical Officer


Ensign Natsume Ayuhara
Security Officer


Crewman Avathaamaru Sh'Jinn (NPC)
Security Crewman


Crewman David Summers (NPC)
Security Crewman


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