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241509.25 CO Duty Log, Cmdr McKeon

Posted on Sat Sep 26th, 2015 @ 3:30am by Captain Alistar McKeon

561 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Alistar grimaced as he walked into his ready room. The Endeavour had fared better than he had hoped but she had still taken some hits. Several of the potted plants that had decorated the ready room had fallen over and scattered dirt all over the place, while his decorations behind his desk had fallen everywhere. The heavy plaque that he had salvaged from the USS Eclipse had fallen and actually shattered the plasteel surface of his desk. Sitting down behind his desk, Alistar took a moment before he reached out and activated the desktop monitor. The screen came to life with the image of Admiral Greer.

"Commander, I understand you might be eager to take Toq and his crew into custody, but we've been ordered to let the Klingons deal with them. I've been informed that Chancellor Martok has managed to drive Councilman Kur'vagh out and regain power. As of right now, we're standing down to patrol duties," the admiral said.

"So good to hear," Alistar growled in an unpleasant tone. "Do we have any idea just what the hell was going on?"

"Kur'vagh sent three small forces to invade the Romulans, thinking that a series of short victorious assaults and victories as well as taking territory from the Romulans would cement his claim to the Klingon throne. The other forces were turned back by the Romulans and a joint Romulan/Starfleet task force. Once we realized what was going on, I ordered a relief force to join up with the Endeavour. That was two days ago. We were unable to reach you," Greer said.

"General Toq was jamming our long range communications," Alistar said. "At least two bird of prey ships escaped from the battle, but the other nine ships were destroyed or disabled."

On the screen, Admiral Greer's expression changed to one of surprised admiration. He whistled before speaking again. "I heard that an Intrepid class ship under the right commanding officer could make a hell of a stand. I never did give it much thought. I'm glad I was wrong. I wouldn't worry too much about any of the ships that escaped. Kur'vagh's surviving forces have all been routed and are fleeing to the far end of the Beta Quadrant. I've been informed that the Endeavour is to return to DS5 for repairs if needed, if not then your primary exploration mandate is hereby placed into effect."

"Glad to hear it, admiral," Alistar said. "Just do me one thing."

"What's that?" Greer asked.

"The next time Starfleet feels the need to stick its nose into another government's problems like this, leave me, my ship and my crew the hell out of it," Alistar snapped before he reached out and slammed his hand down on the desktop monitor controls, ending the communications channel. Standing, he retraced his steps back out to the bridge.

"Lieutenant Sato, stand down from action stations, go to condition green throughout the ship and return crew rotation to standard schedules. I want after action reports from all departments by 0900 tomorrow. Lieutenant Holland, please set a course to the Alpha Sigma system, best possible speed. Engage when ready," Alistar said. As the Endeavour slowly turned away from the Lambda Hydrae system, Alistar turned towards the turbolift and started to check on what price the Endeavour had paid for her victory.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


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