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StarDate 241509.28 Joint log: Commanding Officer and Science Cadet N.P.C.

Posted on Tue Sep 29th, 2015 @ 2:55am by Ensign Elanawen Valenar & Captain Alistar McKeon

711 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

There had to be something better to do with his time in the early evening than reading reports, but if there was Alistar hadn't found it yet. He was going through a number of transmissions from Starfleet Command that had finally come through and been sent to his desk on top of the immediate after action reports. He had almost decided to say to hell with it and take the rest of the evening off when he picked up a padd and read the outline. It caught his attention and he pressed the button that opened the contents of the file downloaded to the padd. After reading, he nodded and tapped his commbadge. "McKeon to Valenar, report to my ready room immediately."

Elanawen had finished the shift at Operations on the bridge and checked in with the lead N.C.O. who was currently in charge of Science before she had decided to call it a day. The battle had been frightening for her, in part because it had been her first time being involved in any kind of armed conflict and because Klingons in general frightened her. She had barely had time to step into her quarters and take off her tunic jacket before her comm. badge beeped with the voice of the Commanding Officer summoning her to the ready room. Without bothering to reply, she hurried out of her quarters and towards the ready room. Arriving at the ready room seven minutes later, Elanawen tapped the door chime and waited for an answer.

"Enter," Alistar called as he finished reading through the contents of the padd for the second time. He usually liked to double check everything, just to be sure.

Elanawen stepped through the doors and into the ready room. Seeing Commander McKeon at his desk, she stepped towards the desk and stopped two steps away.

"You wanted to see me, Commander?" she asked nervously.

"A few weeks ago you submitted an application to be enrolled into Starfleet. Along with your application you also sent along your entrance exam results and other required paperwork," Alistar said. "I've been given a dispatch from the Academy Commandant that has been authorized by Starfleet Command. I'm sure you're ready to know the answer."

"Yes, Sir!" Elanawen said excitedly. It was difficult for her to contain her excitement, although she also knew that it could very well be a rejection notice.

Alistar stood and walked around his desk to stand before the young woman before he spoke. "Congratulations, Miss Valenar. Effective immediately, you have been accepted into Starfleet as a midshipman cadet."

Elanawen couldn't hide her excitement and she grabbed the Commander and gave him a quick hug before she realized that it might not be proper for a new Cadet to be caught hugging a commissioned Officer. Releasing the Commander, she stepped back and regained her composure.

"When do I leave for Starfleet Academy?" Elanawen asked.

"Your test scores and time already served as a civilian auxiliary were taken into account and it was decided that you would be able to take your required academy course through subspace classes. Effective immediately, you're assigned to the Endeavour as a science cadet. In addition, you'll serve as an auxiliary to the ops department from time to time as needed. It was recommended that you be assigned to ops, but I over ruled that recommendation based on the fact that you specifically requested science. I put you down as having ops as a secondary position though," Alistar said.

"I have no problem with that, Sir," Elanawen said with a smile.

"Good. Because you'll report to the XO tomorrow morning after your daily subspace class ends. Dismissed Cadet Valenar," Alistar said.

Elanawen braced to attention and gave her new Commanding Officer a sharp salute that would have made her mother proud. Having been dismissed, she turned and stepped towards the door, barely able to contain her excitement. Once she was out in the corridor and the doors had slid shut behind her, Elanawen grinned and whistled as she started down the corridor. She had several stops to make before she returned to her quarters and celebrated.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour

Cadet Elanawen Valenar
Science/Operations Cadet N.P.C.
U.S.S. Endeavour


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