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24141225 CO Duty log

Posted on Fri Dec 26th, 2014 @ 1:46am by Captain Alistar McKeon

414 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Alistar wandered into the shuttlebay and looked around until he spotted the senior officer on deck. After his recent conversation with SFC and a few others calls, he had decided to personally deliver the news to the Endeavour's shuttle techs himself. It wouldn't take much to even get the conversation started, since the cause for the recent series of conference calls was sitting right beside the officer.

"LT," Alistar said as he stopped beside the two officers and the type 10 shuttle that had caused several people a headache lately. Leaning Up against the shuttle he continued. "I just got through talking to SFC About your problem here. We're going to keep the shuttle."

"But sir, it doesn't belong here!" the lieutenant blurted out. "It's not even on the list of shuttles that's approved for deployment on an Intrepid class ship!"

"This one is now," Alistar said as he patted the hull of the shuttle. He could understand the flight officers issue, since the type 10s were just short of being a dedicated fighter and parts for one were actually hard to come by. But, Starfleet command had said that while the shuttle hadn't been intended for the Endeavour, it was there now and there was no point in sending it back since the ship that the shuttle had been intended for already had a replacement. Besides, Alistar had even given a few valid reasons on why the Endeavour should keep the thing, the main reason being the fact that it was already there. Looking at the FCO, he shrugged.

"Look, just keep it in the storage bay for now, at least until I can go through everyone's service records and see how many people we have who are qualified to fly this thing. After that, we can figure the rest out," Alistar said.

"Sir, I wish to log my protest in keeping this thing," the FCO said. "The type 10 isn't intended to use on exploration ships. They're combat shuttles."

"Objection noted," Alistar said.


Alistar glared at the lieutenant. "LT, do I need to find a new FCO?"

The officer paused, then shook his head. "No sir."

"Good. Your objection is noted, now move the shuttle to the storage bay," Alistar ordered.

"Yes sir," the officer nodded, offered a salute and started off to move the type 10 into the shuttle storage bay. Shaking his head, Alistar decided that he needed a drink and started off towards the lounge.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


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