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StarDate 241412.21: Duty Log: Executive Officer and Security/Tactical Officer N.P.C.

Posted on Mon Dec 22nd, 2014 @ 4:07am by Captain Innovindil Valenar
Edited on on Mon Dec 22nd, 2014 @ 4:10am

990 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

~~~ Deck Four, Security Training Holodeck ~~~

Innovindil stepped into the security training holodeck and took a brief moment to take in the activities that were taking place. Nearly a full third of the Endeavour security department were present, all in one form of training exercise or another. Similar to the standard Holodecks on Deck Six, the security training holodeck was state of the art and specifically designed to accommodate multiple scenarios all at once. Currently, there were four groups in training, from marksmanship to physical fitness training. Clasping her hands behind her back, Innovindil stepped forward and approached the Officer in charge, a young brunette human woman who was dressed in the standard issue workout outfit Starfleet provided. The woman's grey T-shirt was soaked in sweat from the amount of physical activity she had been doing, and as Innovindil approached the woman was engage in hand to hand practice combat with a young Klingon male against whom she was barely holding her own. Coming to a stop beside the group, Innovindil had the intention of watching until someone spotted her and called out "Senior Officer on deck!". All at once, everyone froze at attention.

"Carry on," Innovindil said before she stepped forward to address the senior Officer. "Lieutenant Heartly? I'm Lieutenant Commander Valenar, Chief of Security and Tactical and Executive Officer. I wanted to speak to you if you had a few minutes."

Lieutenant Kyra Heartly studied her new superior with her dark eyes for a long moment before she nodded. She had been expecting Valenar to check in with her since the Commander had come aboard, but Kyra knew that being Executive Officer in addition to being Chief of Security and Tactical would be very demanding and some things would take longer than normal. But Valenar was here now, so she simply nodded and turned her head to address the security personnel still present.

"I want everyone to finish up here and take the rest of the day off," Kyra said before turning her full attention to Innovindil. "Lead the way, Ma'am."

Innovindil nodded and turned to lead the way to the Security Office. The main hub of all security related activities on the Endeavour, the Security Office held several offices as well as the shift dispatcher and a number of on duty Officers and crewmen who were waiting for their shift assignments. Ignoring them for the moment, Innovindil led Kyra into her office and sat down behind the desk, waving her hand to indicate that Heartly was free to sit down as well.

"I read the initial briefing report before I boarded, but I was hoping you could give me a full run down on everything we have," Innovindil said.

Kyra nodded and leaned back in her chair as she thought for a moment. "The full load out report was submitted to Commander McKeon yesterday after we did inventory, and I'm not sure if he's signed off on it yet. We have a full tactical compliment of sixty quantum torpedoes and sixty probes. Our small arms load out is bare at the moment. We do have the new Type III hand phasers as well as the Type IV phaser rifle carbines, and of course we have Type II hand phasers and Type V rifles, but we only have half of our total armory load out. As of this afternoon we have enough personnel to run three eight hour shifts with just over a skeleton staff for each shift and with relief personnel for each. Most of our people are cadets on their midshipman cruise or enlisted personnel who just graduated from Basic Training."

Innovindil flinched, as she had hoped that the actual status report had improved since the report she had read had been filed. While there were a few improvements since the report had been filed, her department was barely functional by Starfleet standards, a fact that was true across all departments on the Endeavour at the moment. Thinking over the last few reports she had read, Innovindil recalled that the Endeavour still had nearly two weeks before she was due to launch, and that the remainder of the crew assigned would be arriving during that time.

"We still have a week, so I'd like to build a solid core unit around what we already have," Innovindil said. "Conduct full day training drills for the next two days and we'll evaluate the people we currently have so we can focus on where we need to improve. As we get new Officers and crew, we'll add them in and adjust the training drills as needed."

"Is there really a need for such a training program, Ma'am?" Kyra asked, although secretly she was hiding a smile since she had been thinking about doing the same thing.

"Once we leave space dock, this ship will be mostly on its own," Innovindil said. "We need to be ready for anything, no matter how mundane it may seem."

"I agree," Kyra said with a wolfish grin.

Innovindil suppressed a chuckle at the younger woman's enthusiasm and nodded. "Try not to intentionally injure our security staff too much, Lieutenant. I'll keep an eye on the Department as much as I can, but I've decided to name you Deputy Chief of Security and Tactical. You're the highest ranking Officer after me, and you're the only Officer who is trained in both security and tactical, so the position is effective as of this afternoon. Anything you need my authorization on or if you have any questions, please feel free to get a hold of me."

"Understood," Kyra said as she stood. She had a feeling that she was going to enjoy having Valenar as her Department Head. "Permission to carry on with training exercises, Ma'am?"

"Granted. Dismissed, Lieutenant," Innovindil said.

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Chief of Security and Tactical
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Endeavour


Lieutenant Kyra Heartly
Security and Tactical Officer
U.S.S. Endeavour


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