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CO Personal/Duty Log

Posted on Sun Dec 21st, 2014 @ 6:06pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

761 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Alistar rubbed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, officially his way of stating that he had done too much administrative work lately. DS5 served as home port for five ships that covered too large of an area of space. In fact, being a B class starbase covering several entire sectors DS5 by rights should have had an entire fleet assigned, not just five ships. The Endeavour was the only exploration cruiser. The Proxima and Centurion were both Nova class exploration surveyors, while the Hornet and Pathfinder were both Defiant class ships assigned to defensive patrol and short range missions. Only the Endeavour was capable of long range extended duration missions of any kind, a fact that had driven Alistar to understand why everyone assigned to Endeavour had been pulled on such short notice. Starfleet had needed crew in order to field Endeavour as quickly as possible.

Standing, Alistar walked across the ready room and stared out the view port window. The shipyard facility as DS5 was the bare minimum, a space frame connected to a tower and production facility. It was simple but effective and was currently housing the Endeavour while the crew boarded and settled in and the final inspections took place. It was also a boring view from the ready room window.

"Computer, time," Alistar said.

"The time is 1956 hours."

"Hold all duty related communications except for official and emergency calls," Alistar ordered. Taking a final look out the windows, he turned and left his ready room. Wandering the corridors at a late hour had become a way to pass the time during the evening for him, the only problem was that the Endeavour was smaller than Alistar's last ship, the Defiance. The prelaunch hustle was in full swing, which meant that engineers from both Endeavour and DS5 were combing through the ship and the rest of the crew were moving equipment and gear into the proper places.

After an hour of roaming the ship Alistar found his way to the forward observation lounge. One of the things Alistar had been thinking over was what to call the lounge. Roughly the same size as the main lounge, the observation lounge had a better view of what the Endeavour would be orbiting. Fewer tables and more recliners and couches were present, as well as a fully stocked liquor bar and a food replicator. A slim blonde Romulan woman tended the lounge, a civilian who had been contracted to oversee and run the Endeavour's official duty free spot. Seeing no one else, Alistar walked over and nodded as he sat down.

"Miss t'Valdran," he said.

"Commander McKeon," Rhiana t'Valdran smiled as she spoke. "What can I get you to drink?"

"Am I asking too much for a Crown Royal on the rocks?" Alistar asked.

"Regular Crown or Black label?" Rhiana asked.

"Regular," Alistar said. "A double if it's not illegal."

"It's alcohol, technically it's all illegal within forty planetary systems," the Romulan woman said as she poured the glass up. Setting down on the bar counter, she raised her eyebrows. "In fact, I had to get a special license in order to be able to serve real liquor on the Endeavour."

"I read the license report," Alistar said as he downed the drink. It burned most of the way down and his eyes watered just a little. "Yep, that's real all right," he said.

Rhiana laughed as she reclaimed the glass and quickly set it in the replicator reclaimer. "I'm afraid everyone is limited to one drink a day, but I'm sure you already knew that," she said.

"I could always come back in the middle of the night," Alistar said.

"You could, but I'm an insomniac and the cabinet is keyed to my genetic pattern. I'm the only person who has access, and the ships computer also has an implanted security system," Rhiana said.

"They're as serious about the lounge alcohol as they are about the weapons armory," Alistar said. "What happens if we enter a system where alcohol is illegal?"

"Then the alcohol is locked up and I serve synthohol," Rhiana answered.

Alistar was about to speak when his commbadge beeped. "Commander McKeon, there's an incoming transmission from Starfleet Command for you."

"Put it through to my ready room, I'll be there in a few minutes," Alistar said. Shaking his head, he sighed. "I'm glad it's almost tomorrow, I may need another drink soon," he said as he got up and started off towards his ready room.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO. USS Endeavour

Rhiana t'Valdran
Civilian NPC


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