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StarDate 241412.18 Joint Log: Commanding and Executive Officers (Commander Alistar McKeon and Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar)

Posted on Fri Dec 19th, 2014 @ 12:28am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Captain Innovindil Valenar
Edited on on Fri Dec 19th, 2014 @ 12:31am

743 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Innovindil paused just outside of the Commanding Officer’s ready room and took a deep breath. It had been nearly two years since she had served on board a starship, and to say that she was just a little nervous was an understatement. There was always a waiting list for Officers and crew who were to be assigned to an Intrepid class starship, and normally there was a letter sent to those who were being assigned to one nearly a year in advance. The fact that Innovindil, and from what she could gather the majority of the crew aboard the Endeavour in general, had been so quickly transferred to one of the newest Intrepid class ships on short notice made her uneasy. Pushing it aside, she took the final two steps to the door and tapped the door chime.

Alistar yawned and took a sip of his coffee before tapping the next key on the padd he was reading. If there was one thing about command positions that he disliked it was the constant reading and writing of reports. At least this report was on a recent survey done by the USS Proxima, a Nova class surveyor that like the Endeavour was based out of DS5 and one of the few ships that had even been active in the area for any time. Of the five starships based out of DS5, only two had been on station for any time to do any good. The Endeavour would be following up on the Proxima's missions from time to time, and Alistar was thinking about having the Endeavour take on a follow up survey mission to GSC-308, a planet the Proxima had scanned that was just inside the Taurus Nebula when the door chime rang. Looking up, he frowned. "Yes?"

Innovindil stepped into the ready room and crossed over to stand before the desk in three steps. Bracing to attention, she presented her orders as she spoke.

“Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar reporting for duty, Sir.”

Setting the survey report down, Alistar accepted Valenar's orders and skimmed through them before he looked up at her and nodded. "At ease, Commander, sit if you want. Your orders state that you were to report in tomorrow after you had settled in."

“Yes, Sir, my daughter and I have already settled into our quarters,” Innovindil replied as she adopted a parade rest stance. “I wanted to report in as soon as possible, since my orders state that my duties on board include those of the ship’s Executive Officer.”

"Yeah, I was warned that you would want to jump straight into work, that was one reason I requested you as my XO," Alistar said.

“May I ask why you requested me, Commander?” Innovindil asked.

"From what I've read about your service record, you're an exceptional officer who isn't afraid to speak her mind and willing to do what is needed for the ship and crew. I wanted an XO who wouldn't be afraid to step on my toes and who would be willing to do what was needed when it was needed. You're also a tactical officer with a personal background in several fields of science, which is a bonus. Plus, you came highly recommended," Alistar said.

“I see,” Innovindil said, nodding in understanding. The logic was sound, even though she had difficulty in understanding all of the Commander’s points.

"Is there a problem, commander?" Alistar asked.

“No, Sir,” Innovindil said quickly. “I was just wondering how I was to proceed with both duties, since they will both require my complete attention.”

"In the majority of day to day operations, you'll handle both positions as best you can. Mostly I want you to focus on the command level stuff I can't handle. As for security and tactical, Lt Heartly is the senior Sec/Tac officer after you, and she can handle the day to day operations there. You can take over when you feel that you need to."

“Thank you, Sir,” Innovindil said, offering a thankful smile. “If I may, I’d like to get to work right away.”

"By all means, we have orders to depart next week, so the quicker we get ready for launch the better. Dismissed, commander," Alistar said.

Innovindil braced to attention before she turned and stepped towards the door. She hid a smile, glad that her new Commanding Officer seemed to be understanding and not like several of her previous Commanding Officers.


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