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241510.11 Plot Log: CO Duty Log, Cmdr McKeon

Posted on Sun Oct 11th, 2015 @ 6:19pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

500 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Midnight on the Firing Line

Alistar had never been to the main crew lounge on deck two before, and he wasn't sure if he liked the reason why he was walking into the room today. It was never easy losing shipmates, but commanding people in battle and losing crew was definitely harder. It had been almost two days since the Endeavour had left Lambda Hydrae, and the shock of the battle was still fresh. Alistar had spoken to Starfleet Command and was happy that the Endeavour was on her way to an exploratory patrol mission near the Phendrana Drifts. The only downside was the fact that they might encounter Ferengi, and while Alistar didn't hate Ferengi, his first encounter with them hadn't been a pleasant one and he wasn't too thrilled to encounter them again.

The lounge was filled with members of the crew, all in their duty uniforms. Alistar had decided not to make the occasion a formal one that would require dress uniforms. No one seemed to like the dress uniforms, and Alistar himself was among them. It seemed that it needed adjusting every time he wore his, and being aggravated by a uniform wasn't something he wanted to add to the day's highlights. The majority of the ship's officer core and higher ranking NCOs, as well as the only cadet currently on board, were present. Much to his surprise, Alistar also noticed Rhiana at the bar, which was odd since he knew she preferred the quiet darkness of the forward observation lounge. Giving her a nod, he moved over to the open space between the bar and the cluster of tables, chairs, and couches.

As if they had been given a cue, the majority of the people in the lounge broke off their conversations and turned to watch their captain. Rhiana had moved from behind the bar and was slipping throughout the crew, handing out drinks to anyone who didn't have one. As she passed Alistar, she offered a friendly smile as she handed him a glass before moving on. After she had ensured that everyone had a drink, she moved back to the bar. Alistar took a small drink to sample what was in the glass. It was green and smelled and tasted like absinthe, but without the bite of being alcoholic. That meant that it was replicated and therefore synthehol, and safe to consume in large quantity. Turning so that he faced the forward view port windows and the majority of those in the room, Alistar raised his glass.

"To absent friends and shipmates," he said. The toast was quietly repeated before everyone took a drink. As he finished his drink in one go, Alistar could tell that not everyone enjoyed the beverage of choice. With the remembrance toast over, everyone started to break down into small groups again. Alistar nodded and spoke to a few people but eventually he drifted over to the windows and stood there, watching the stars streak past the Endeavour warped towards her next adventure.


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